Review: Heart of Stone – A Stylish but Disappointing Action Thriller on Netflix

by time news

Heart of Stone, the latest action thriller on Netflix, is receiving mixed reviews from critics and audiences alike. Starring Gal Gadot as Rachel Stone, a skilled operative for Charter, an underground peacekeeping organization, the film fails to live up to its promising premise.

The movie opens with an action-packed prologue, introducing Stone and her team on a mission to stop an arms deal at an Italian ski resort. The visually inventive set pieces during this sequence are the highlights of the film, capturing the attention of viewers.

However, as the story progresses, the script falls flat and the characters become cardboard cutouts. Gadot’s portrayal of Stone, who resembles a combination of James Bond and Carmen Sandiego, is overshadowed by a lackluster script that fails to develop the characters beyond their spy tropes.

One intriguing aspect of the film is the presence of “The Heart,” referred to as “the world’s most powerful AI.” It acts as Stone’s virtual mission buddy, providing her with instructions and predictions. However, halfway through the film, the AI’s capabilities are inexplicably shut down, leaving audiences confused and disappointed.

The film introduces a brilliant hacker named Keya Dhawan, played by Alia Bhatt, who seeks to gain control of The Heart. Gadot’s ability to create empathy between her character and Keya brings some much-needed depth to the story. However, moments of genuine connection between characters are overshadowed by the film’s frenetic pace, leaving little room for exploration or nuance.

Unfortunately, Heart of Stone relies heavily on empty calorie set pieces that feel derivative of other action films. The lack of originality becomes evident as the film follows a predictable path, including mustache-twirling reveals, “surprise” deaths, and clichéd countdown clocks.

Overall, Heart of Stone may appeal to fans of mindless action films, but it fails to deliver on its potential. The film’s underdeveloped characters, lackluster script, and unoriginal set pieces prevent it from becoming a worthy addition to Gal Gadot’s filmography. As the credits roll, viewers are left with little reason to invest in future Stone adventures or the characters left standing at the end of this installment.

Heart of Stone premieres on Netflix on August 11th, inviting audiences to decide for themselves whether this action thriller hits the mark or falls short.

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