Review of 10 technology trends Changing the World by MIT Technology Review

by time news

MIT Technology Review, the technology magazine of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), reveals 10 technology trends. That will become the world-changing technology of the year 2023, where every year there will be a selection of technologies that will inevitably affect future life. This year, MIT chose the technology that most of us have already touched on covering health, energy, environment, artificial intelligence Including military security. Why are these 10 stories selected by MIT? Invite you to analyze with Dr. Bancha Thanaboonsombat.

This year, Dr. Buncha mentioned that all 10 technology trends Seems to be a trend that people are familiar with. and has been applied in practice. Therefore, it is not a far-fetched matter such as AI, from which it used to influence everyone in every sector, it will move closer. To have an impact on the daily life of our people, increasing even more. which the subject of AI is the thing WITH predicted to be the trend of the future But now there is a trend that seems to be progressing non-stop.
by all 10 technologies that MIT Technology Review Has mentioned that it will become 10 trends in technology that will change the world in the year 2023 are as follows

one : CRISPR Addressing High Cholesterol Problems by Editing the Human Genome

which has been going on for some time But in the early days it was used to treat rare diseases. This solution, MIT believes, if it proves effective, will be used by many people. Yo, last year there was a montage of jeans. to permanently lower cholesterol in New Zealand women
The mechanism behind CRISPR is that certain genes are responsible for making proteins. And protein plays an important role in creating cholesterol in the blood. If this switch can be turned off Cholesterol can be lowered. but anyway because it is still in the experimental stage Therefore, safety is not guaranteed. Or guarantee that there will be side effects or not, MIT has predicted that if successful Therefore, it will be a popular backpack.


two : AI create art Shaking up the world of art

There is a phenomenon that AI can imitate Able to create unique portraits of famous artists By keying in words into the system and the AI ​​will create a picture. This means creative work can be imitated Until causing a trend that many artists feel threatened Start suing while many other parties think that the emergence of this AI will help fill the art design circle by allowing AI to help think, design and humans have a duty. create that piece of work until it’s done
At this time, the group of people who reacted to this phenomenon was divided into 2 large groups: those who disagreed. And groups like the two photo giants reacted differently to the phenomenon, with Getty Images explicitly declaring that it would not post AI-generated images, while Shutterstock signed a deal with Open. AI that generates images with this technology There will be a compensation to the artist. that created a prototype image to learn It will be a matter of extending it to a new business model and the use of this AI has been used by magazine cover designer Illustrator, marketing, designing clothes.

three : RISC-V new processor chip User Friendly Plus it’s good for the environment.

In the past, the design of chips or microprocessors was based on the copyright of various camps, so when using the chip, it must be licensed, for example, when we write an app. and wants to run on all platforms But it turns out that the platform may not use the same chip. from different camps This required two copies of the code to be written, resulting in higher costs. Especially if it’s a small company. must invest enormously
over the past decade RISC-V developed by UC Berkeley was developed for use in teaching. Because the ones used in the market are too complicated until later expanded because they are open to everyone. Now there are a large number of members using this program all over the world. which the use of this chip It will help reduce the cost of using this chip. Because there is enough customization and electricity consumption is reduced. Resulting in less carbon footprint as well
But of course, the emergence of RISC-V would make the nation that produces chips like The United States is concerned that this will cause itself to lose a handicap to other countries like China, for example. This issue needs to be monitored further. Because in any case, this trend has already occurred and has been widely accepted and used.

four : Drones are used in the military with greater utility.

Drones are a technology that first emerged in the military industry. Then it was widely used among civilians. used in agriculture Used in photography, etc. And now the trend is bouncing back into the new military. It will be used in surveys. used in attack And if you look at the global market, there are already more than 80 countries using drones in the military. But drones are used in security, prevention and suppression of drugs as well.
Recently, there are 3 types of chest military jumps according to weight and according to the distance that can be flown. If it’s small, it weighs no more than 150 kilograms, can fly as far as 80 kilometers, later weighs no more than 600 kilograms, it will fly no more than 150 kilometers and the last type It is a drone used in attack with a size of over 600 kilograms and can fly over 150 kilometers.

five : ordering abortion pills via telemedicine or Telemedicine

Recently, there has been an issue that abortion in the United States. It is not a right listed in the constitution. Subsequently, it was up to each state to lay down this rule. The right to abortion is not the same, some states prohibit, some states allow, so it happens that women who want to have an abortion. Must travel to a state where a woman is legally allowed to have an abortion. This has therefore been linked to technology. that abortion pills can be ordered through telemedicine

six : ordered organs Organ on demand Want to change organs, why wait?

Now all over the world there is organ surgery. More than 130,000 organs are replaced each year worldwide, yet organs are still in short supply. And many people have to wait for an organ transplant, and it’s not that it’s waiting and it’s always available. That organ must also be compatible with that person’s body.
For this reason, there are people who want to solve the problem for people who need an organ transplant, thinking if it’s okay to just think about getting an organ transplant. You can change it without waiting and to be like that. It must consist of 3 steps. One, if the original item can still be fixed. Then use the repair method. Second, you need to do more research on pigs because pigs are known as animals that have organs that are similar to humans. But must first modify the genes of pigs. Sam uses 3D printing stem cell technology, and MIT predicts that in the next 10-15 minutes this organ transplantation trend will advance. accepted than this

seven : 2023 EV will rule the world

In the past, the EV trend has been growing steadily. Until the year 2022 that EV or electric vehicles have grown exponentially by predicting that in 2022 there will be 13 percent of electric vehicles sold worldwide, but in 2023 electric vehicles will be sold worldwide up to 30 percent or 1 in 3 The factors contributing to the increase in popularity are falling EV prices and easier access to chargers. And government policies that promote both the purchase of EVs contribute greatly to the trend of increasing popularity respectively.
In addition, the heart is important Electric vehicle batteries are cheaper and faster to charge. Run longer, while today’s lithium-ion batteries can run almost 500 kilometers per charge. But I have to admit that there is a deterioration of 3-5 percent per year. Causing within 10 years to mat at a rate of 25-30 percent, and even though the battery is cheaper. But still at 15-20 percent of the price of the car.
However, MIT sees that 2023 will be an important milestone for EVs to take off.

eight : James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) Upgrading astronomy and world space technology

The world’s advances in astronomy have moved to another level. After installation and commissioning of the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST), a collaboration between the world’s major space agencies, It achieved great success in the middle of last year.
Many astronomers have called the JWST, with its large, gold-coated beryllium primary mirror, the “golden eyes,” the new eyes that mankind will use to probe the history of the universe.
It is sensitive to infrared radiation or faint traces of heat. In deep space, it’s super high. This allows the telescope to detect and record light from the oldest galaxies known to humanity. which is up to 13.5 billion years old
Recent work has also proven its ability to explore deep space superior to other telescopes, analyzing the composition of the atmospheres of exoplanets. It can also peer through clouds of dust and gas into never-before-seen structures of nebula and galactic centers.

nine : Building on the success of ancient DNA analysis

The DNA of ancient humans, Neanderthals or Homo sapiens, when older, DNA deteriorates. and are contaminated by microorganisms. or even human beings to pick up was willing to contaminate the DNA of modern humans It is therefore very challenging to analyze ancient DNA. But it was eventually invented by Swedish geneticist Svante Pääbo. with the discovery of the extinct ancient human genome and link knowledge with human evolution
Paebo’s work overcame challenges in the process of analyzing ancient human DNA samples. to create a genetic code successfully Leading to the discovery of another extinct primitive human species, Denisovans, based on DNA obtained from a small fragment of a finger bone. and also helps to prove that Homo sapiens, Neanderthals, and Denisovans have been interbreeding for some time. As a result, DNA was incorporated, which is present in humans today.

ten : The era of the development of recycling technology for the management of electric vehicle batteries.

At present, there is more investment in the use of recycling technology in the modern automotive industry. Especially in terms of technology development for recycling and reusable EV batteries. because it is predicted that when the next Electric vehicles are becoming more and more popular. Of course, there will be a growing number of batteries for aging EVs. If today we do not prepare technology to support it in the future, in addition to environmental problems It also causes humans to face pollution problems caused by mismanagement of these batteries.

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