Revolution in the Central Bureau of Statistics: This is the change in the database

by time news

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The Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS), which is responsible for the central government database in the fields of demography, economics and society, is upgrading the database. The CBS data serve as a basis for policy-making and decision-making in Israel on various issues Welfare, environment and construction, and they help plan schools, kindergartens, nursing homes, hospitals and clinics, transportation routes, recreation centers and more.

The CBS recently issued a tender for the operation of the bureau’s information system, and the winner is Matrix, which will take care of the supply and operation of the database for nine years. Matrix will operate the central information storage system in a Data Lake configuration.

Matrix and its various divisions have assumed responsibility for the project from end to end, from the characterization and construction of the system, including hardware components, licensing, development, aspects of data management and storage, process management, information security and protection, through airflow and subsequent system operation. The system will be set up modularly from a number of separate work environments, between which work interfaces will be set up.

“This is a dramatic move,” says Motti Gutman, CEO of Matrix. Get much more out of it. The establishment of an innovative and integrative database, one of the largest in Israel, is expected to significantly expand data accessibility, shorten the time it takes to conduct research, and provide a different user experience in a world that supports digital. The result will be: a significant increase in the quantity and quality of research conducted for the benefit of the public, and much more accurate information that will help the state as well as citizens make better decisions. “

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The tender for the establishment of the database came to meet the needs of the information because today there is no single place where all the CBS data from the various information sources are stored, and the CBS also does not yet have access to all the existing data in other government ministries. Existing data are populated in a number of repositories, which means that if users want to perform processing or research that is across disciplines, they are required to go through a complex process.

Moti Gutman, CEO of Matrix. Photo: Idan Gross

The project will allow secure remote access to files to be researched so that researchers can conduct remote research and not be required to physically reach the CBS research rooms.

Prof. Danny Pepperman, National Statistician and Director of the CBS: “Basing decisions on comprehensive, up-to-date, reliable and high-quality data, along with making the CBS information accessible to the public, are key values ​​in the CBS ‘work. In the research and analysis capabilities of the researchers who use the CBS data, and a significant milestone for our activities for the benefit of the public. This will be done while reducing exposure to cyber threats, in order to enable the maximization of the processing and use of information by the various consumers, while strictly maintaining the confidentiality of individual data. We feel confident in the hands of a leading technological body like Matrix, which has all the knowledge and experience needed to address all aspects of the Information Lake project. ”

Assaf Timur, CEO of matrixDnA: “Collection, processing and publication of CBS data accompany us as Israeli citizens in all areas of life, from the consumer price index in Israel, censuses, population surveys and businesses, to calculating the average wage in the economy or gross domestic product. This is a project Extensive that will involve different units in the Matrix, technologically complex due to the enormous amount of data, the multiplicity of systems and the sensitivity and importance of the information. “Efficient and, above all, much more effective with the most advanced tools for carrying out their work.”

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