“Revolutionary” opportunists, the main obstacle to achieving freedom in Cuba – 2024-02-19 18:09:12

by times news cr

2024-02-19 18:09:12

In the context of a totalitarian regime, an opportunist is that individual or group that seeks to benefit personally, socially, economically or politically by aligning itself with the established system of power. They are characterized by prioritizing personal interests over ethical principles, showing notable flexibility in their loyalties, which they adapt according to what best serves their own advantages. Opportunists are distinguished by their indifference to the suffering of others and their total apathy toward the negative implications of their support for the regime for society as a whole.

Throughout history, totalitarian regimes have repeatedly used opportunists. Citizens who denounce colleagues and neighbors, hoping to gain the political favor of the regime; companies that enthusiastically collaborate with dictatorships, taking advantage of forced labor in concentration camps or prisons; members of the economic elites who do whatever is necessary to preserve their status, and much more. As these systems begin to show signs of weakness, opportunists are incredibly quick to switch sides, demonstrating the volatile nature of their ideologies.

This behavior not only reinforces the existing power structure, but also perpetuates division within Cuban society.

The Cuban totalitarian regime is no exception. Here opportunism is manifested in an exemplary way in the attitude of government officials, members of the Armed Forces, businessmen, academics, artists and intellectuals who receive privileges and recognition, in exchange for their support, or at least their silence, in the face of violations. of human rights, the repression of dissent and even forced exile. This behavior not only reinforces the existing power structure, but also perpetuates the division within Cuban society, by contributing to the stability and legitimation of the regime through active or passive complicity.

And the opportunists play a central role in the perpetuation of the misery of the Cuban people not only thanks to this macabre complicity but to the extent that they contribute to projecting the illusion of “revolutionary” consensus (they call the dictatorship a revolution, progressivism to regression, social justice to helplessness, democracy to totalitarianism, education to indoctrination, solidarity to exploitation, popular will to the despotic whim of the tyrant).

Such a mirage hampers the possibility of organized opposition and weakens international pressure, presenting the world with a façade of stability and acceptance. Opportunists present themselves as the legitimate face of civil society while promoting a culture of conformism that directly undermines the consolidation of dissident voices. Their tolerance and support for the repressive practices of the Cuban communist regime against those who dare to dissent legitimizes the use of force and coercion as tools of social control while revealing a deep ethical and moral crisis within Cuban society.

Opportunists present themselves as the legitimate face of civil society while promoting a culture of conformism that directly undermines the consolidation of dissident voices.

In this way, opportunism erodes social trust, weakens bonds of solidarity, and undermines the ability to organize collective efforts for change. And the opportunist crawls around promoting distrust and skepticism. In the process, it not only degrades its own (a)moral values, but helps facilitate the acceptance of corrupt practices and abuse of power, with degrading consequences for the culture and values ​​of society.

To see the weight that opportunism has in the maintenance of totalitarianism, it is enough to imagine what would happen if, betraying their own vile nature, the opportunists decided to withdraw support for the regime. Such a shift in loyalties would trigger a cascade of effects with vast implications for Cuba’s legitimacy, stability, and political future.

The loss of legitimacy would be the first and most immediate repercussion, marking the regime as weakened in the eyes of national and international opinion. This questioning of its viability could accelerate doubts about government authority, eroding its power base. Simultaneously, the vacuum left by the opportunists could energize and breathe new life into opposition forces, providing them with an unprecedented opportunity to galvanize popular discontent and articulate the pro-democratic struggle with a stronger, more unified voice.

Such a shift in loyalties would trigger a cascade of effects with vast implications for Cuba’s legitimacy, stability, and political future.

At the socioeconomic level, the withdrawal of support could precipitate an unprecedented crisis, exacerbating the already unbearable existing difficulties. The disruption in the management of resources and services, caused by the departure of key actors, would further highlight the deficiencies of the state-controlled economic model. This situation of instability could generate unsustainable pressure on the regime to implement any urgent reforms.

Cuba’s political landscape could soon undergo a significant reconfiguration, with the emergence of new alliances and leaderships that reflect a diversity of perspectives and aspirations. The withdrawal of opportunists’ support for the Cuban regime would have the potential to initiate a profound transformation on the island, marking the path towards possible democratic advances and social improvements.

But do not get our hopes high. The possibility of opportunists in Cuba withdrawing their support for the regime is quite limited. This statement is based on the very essence of opportunism and how it is intertwined with the peculiarities of the Cuban totalitarian system. The opportunists’ decision to maintain their support for the Government is deeply rooted in a risk-benefit calculation, where the balance tips in favor of the regime as long as the perceived personal and group benefits outweigh the risks associated with a withdrawal of support. To withdraw such support at a time when they perceive that the Government, however weak, can still control their destinies is antithetical to the nature of the opportunist.

Opportunists need to envision an alternative scenario in which their interests are equally or better safeguarded than under the current regime. Without an opposition movement with the strength and promise to offer such guarantees, the likelihood of a significant shift in support is minimal. In a word, the anticipation of possible negative consequences—from the loss of privileges to more severe repressive actions—ensures the loyalty of opportunists to the regime. This fear, combined with moral collusion and inertia in the face of a known system, reinforces their reluctance to change.

The opportunists’ decision to maintain their support for the Government is deeply rooted in a calculation of risks and benefits

Furthermore, as long as the regime continues to enjoy a certain degree of support or tolerance internationally, and external pressures do not increase significantly, the opportunists will find no reason to reconsider their position. This reality suggests that when these opportunistic elements finally choose to abandon the dark side, their contribution to the democratic cause will be not only superfluous, but also undesirable.

The superfluity of their support is due to the fact that they will only contemplate defection when the structures of the regime begin to falter irremediably. That is, they would join the fight against the dictatorship when it is no longer necessary for them to do so. The undesirability of their change of loyalties lies in the fact that it results not from a genuine awareness or a sudden moral awakening, but from a maneuver calculated to perpetuate their personal interests and survival, even if this means continuing to shamefully parasitize ethical principles. that must sustain the freedom of Cuba.


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