Revolutions That Affected the World: American, French, Russian, and Chinese Revolutions, Explained

by time news

2024-01-18 04:52:18

SSLC Special; Learn about the revolutions that affected the world

Ratheesh C.V
GHSS Perikallur, 953.982.4556

American War of Independence
Wrong taxation policy of English, mercantilist laws, influence of thinkers, disenfranchisement
Slogans and thinkers
James Otis No Tax Without Representation
John Locke Man has certain fundamental rights that no government has the right to take away.
It is illogical that Thomas Paine should surrender this vast land to any foreign power for so long.

Important events
1774 – First Continental Congress (Philadelphia) – Petitions the King of England on trade restrictions and taxation.
1775 – Second Continental Congress (Philadelphia) – George Washington is elected commander of the Continental Army.
July 4, 1776 – The American Continental Congress issued the world-famous Declaration of Independence. Created by Thomas Jefferson and Benjamin Franklin
1781 – War between England and the American Colonies ends.
1783 – Treaty of Paris – England recognizes the independence of the 13 colonies.

English traders saw the American colonies as a place to collect raw materials and a market to sell their products. This policy is mercantilism.
Mercantilist Laws
English ships or ships built in the colonies should be used for the commercial needs of the colony. Sugar, cotton, wool, tobacco etc. produced in the colonies should be exported only to England.
All colonial documents must bear the stamp of England. The colonists had to provide accommodation for the English army in the colonies and paid import duties on tea, glass and paper imported into the colonies.

The American War of Independence: Results
It gave inspiration and purpose to later freedom struggles and revolutions
The concept of federal state was given to the world
Proposed the concept of republican form of government
The first written constitution was prepared
A role model for human rights

The French Revolution
Totalitarian rule of the Louis kings
The luxurious life of the rulers
Socio-economic inequality
Influence of thinkers
Liberty, Equality, Fraternity

French society was divided into 3 classes. These were known as estates.
First Estate – Priests
(Landlords, tax payers – held high positions in administration and military – collected a tax called tithe from peasants)
2nd Estate – Aristocracy
(Landlords – had to pay taxes – led a luxurious life – performed military service – collected various taxes from peasants)
Third Estate – Middle Class
(Farmers, traders, artisans – all taxes to be paid – no rights in governance – low social status. land tax called Thaile to be paid to Govt.)

The thinkers
Voltaire, Rousseau, Montesquieu
The House of Representatives of France – States General
Known as Commons – Third Estate (renamed National Assembly in France)

Tennis Court Pledge
The Third Estates met on a nearby tennis court and vowed to secede only after a new constitution was drawn up for France. This is the Tennis Court Pledge.
Important events
July 14, 1789 – Revolutionaries storm the Bastille, a symbol of the Bourbon monarchy.
August 12, 1789 – The National Assembly passed the Declaration of the Rights of Man
October 1789 – Women of the city of Paris march to the Palace of Versailles, demanding food.
September 1792 – The National Convention declares France a republic
Napoleon’s reforms
Farmers were made the owners of the land
The Bank of France was established
Priests were controlled
Sinking Fund was formed to eliminate the public debt
A new legal code was created
Many new roads were built

Ideas promoted by the French Revolution
The rise of the middle class
End of Feudalism
It paved the way for the emergence of nationalism
Helped the growth of the middle class
Threatened authoritarian regimes in Europe
All the revolutions that happened in the world later on were inspired
It paved the way for the end of the feudal system in Europe
The concept of popular sovereignty was given to mankind.
Battle of Waterloo (1815) that brought Napoleon to power. The European Allies won.
How did Europeans change the culture of Latin America?
Indigenous cultures were destroyed
Spread the Spanish language, religion, and customs
Spanish style houses and churches were built
Schools were opened for Spanish education
European agricultural crops were popularized.
Western diseases spread.
Racism spread
Leaders of the Latin American Revolution
Simon Bolivar, Jose de San Martin, Francisco Miranda

The Russian Revolution
Dictatorship of Sir Emperors
of farmers and workers
miserable life
Influence of thinkers
Heavy tax burden on farmers
Lack of agricultural and industrial production
Industries were controlled by foreigners
Writers and thinkers
Authors: Maxim Gorky, Leo Tolstoy, Ivan Turgenev, Anton Chekhov

Thinkers: Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels
Party formed in Russia based on Marxist ideas – Social Democratic Workers Party.
Parties into which this party split – Mensheviks (Minority) – Leader – Alexander Kerenzi
Bolsheviks (Majority) – Leader – Lenin, Trotsky
Bloody Sunday
Workers demonstrated in Petrograd on January 9, 1905, demanding political rights and economic reforms. The army fired at this. Bloody Sunday resulted in the deaths of hundreds of workers.
Soviets – trade unions formed in Russia to carry out strikes
Duma – Legislative body formed in Russia following the struggle

The February Revolution
In 1917, food shortages became acute. On March 8, women demonstrated for bread. Workers protested in the city of Petrograd. Soldiers also joined the workers. The workers captured the city of Petrograd. Tsar Nicholas II abdicated and a Provisional Government was established in Russia under the leadership of Alexander Kerensky. This is the February revolution.
Sir Emperor’s reign is over
The Mensheviks gained power
Prabhakas became landlords
Russia did not withdraw from the First World War
Public ownership was not given importance

The October Revolution
In October 1917, the Bolsheviks launched an armed uprising against the Provisional Government. Kerensky left the country and Russia came under the control of the Bolsheviks. Lenin came to power. The October Revolution was the event that brought the Bolsheviks to power.
Results of the Russian Revolution
Russia withdrew from World War I
Land was confiscated and distributed to farmers.
Public ownership was emphasized
Centralized planning was implemented
In 1924, a new constitution came into force
The Soviet Union was formed.
Russia has made progress in scientific, technological and economic fields.
Socialist ideas spread in different parts of the world.

The Chinese Revolution
Strategies adopted by Western powers and America to conquer China: Strategy adopted by Britain – Black trade Strategy adopted by America – Open door policy
The Boxer Rebellion
In 1900, some secret societies in China organized a rebellion against the Manchu dynasty that ruled China, which favored foreign intervention and domination. Their seal was the boxer’s fist. Hence it came to be known as the Boxer Rebellion.
Phases of the Chinese Revolution
In 1911, under the leadership of Dr. Sanyat Sen, a revolution took place in China against the Manchu rule. This marked the end of the monarchy. The Kuomintang Party established a republican regime in South China under the leadership of Sen.

The Chinese Communist Party was formed in 1921.
Sanyat Sen died in 1925. Chiang Kai-shek became the Kuomintang leader. Mao Tse Tung became the Communist leader.
Kaishak started a military dictatorship in China.
In 1934, Communists organized the Long March under the leadership of Mao.
The Red Army captured the Kuomintang headquarters
Kaishak sought asylum in Taiwan.
On October 1, 1949, China became the People’s Republic of China under the leadership of Mao.

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