Reward for the murder of Jews: is the EU finally stopping the terror rents? – Politics abroad

by time news

Money from the EU for the murder of Jews: “Pay for Slay” (in German roughly: Pay for murder) – that is the cynical name for Palestinian terrorist pensions. And so far they have also been financed by the European Union.

From the “Martyrs Fund” of the Palestinian Authority (PA), families of terrorists receive a “martyrs pension” if they die or are arrested during their terrorist acts against Israelis. The amount (sometimes more than 3000 euros per month) depends, among other things, on the length of the prison sentence.

In 2016, the PA spent almost 260 million euros on the “martyr families”, but the financial situation in the Palestinian territories is now more difficult, not just because of Corona.

Ramallah receives a large part of the total budget from taxes that Israel collects for the PA. This year, however, because of a new anti-terror law, Israel transferred almost 160 million euros less to Ramallah – exactly the amount that the PA made available for the “martyr families” this year.

In 2018, the US passed a new law and stopped direct payments to the Palestinian Authority – on the grounds that this money was used to pay the families of terrorists.

► The EU remains the PA’s largest foreign donor.

Brussels made 320.55 million euros available to the Palestinians last year, 152.5 million euros of which went to the autonomous authority through the “Pegase” program, a spokeswoman told BILD. 86.6 million euros were paid to the Palestinian aid agency UNRWA.

This year, Brussels has not yet approved a direct payment to the PA, but this should be made up for.

“The fact that the EU is not yet taking action against ‘Pay for Slay’ is the most glaring example of the fact that the EU does not stand up for its own principles,” says Alina Bricman, director of the NGO B’nai B’rith in Brussels Report criticizes questionable EU payment practices to the Palestinians.

It is important that the EU support the autonomy authority as a counterweight to Hamas, but one should not turn a blind eye to anti-Semitic agitation.

► The EU has already paid the Palestinian aid organization UNRWA 92 million euros this year – even though the UNRWA schools use textbooks with anti-Semitic incitement, as a study by the EU itself found.

“This shows once again how important it is to check carefully whether civil organizations are used under the guise of humanitarian aid for anti-Israeli attitudes and actions,” said EU MP Dietmar Köster (64, SPD).


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