Rich and poor | Zamora’s Day

by time news

2023-06-22 19:08:03

Being rich must be very bad. I don’t know, because I never was and I don’t expect big surprises from the Primitive Lottery. So, I suppose, being poor would have to be good, because the left always take into account people who have just enough to live, like yours truly. It happens, curiously, that when a needy person, due to his talent and intelligence, becomes a capitalist, he is insulted, criticized, persecuted, insulted. Something similar happens with that person who, in his youth, confessed to the left and, one fine day, understands that his youthful and adolescent ideology is based on a great fallacy, on philosophical lies, on marketing and propaganda.

Sabater, the great Spanish philosopher still alive, expressed it in an illuminating way not long ago: “People who never change, who go through life without changing and who presume that they think the same as when they were 18 years old, actually They don’t think, neither at 18 nor now. He’d get an idea into his head, like a fly buzzing inside, and mistake it for an idea. But it was a fly… in Spain it is very frowned upon to change your mind”.

It would be necessary to qualify: whenever you change your ideology, as happened to Verstrynge, from the extreme right to the ultra left, the character is praised. But if, as in the case of Vargas Llosa, you reject the communism of your youth for the liberalism of your mature age, when intelligence works at its maximum speed, those who “have lost completely the rational sense of politics and have turned it into a religious issue.

A server went from confessing and taking communion, in my adolescence, to not going back to church, except for funerals. I’m not religious. I will die and be dust in the wind. We do not stop being dust in time. A being for death. I do not believe in heavenly or earthly paradises. I despise the proselytism of one and the other. In politics and religion, and in religious politics, there is only irrationality, emotions and a lot of hate, a feeling much more powerful than love. By the way, hate is not the antithesis of love. He who hates his neighbor projects his self-hatred onto another human being. Dissatisfied with his physique, or his talent and intelligence, he envy every superior man or woman, and I know that envy has always been the prelude to spite.

I remain with the wise Ortega y Gasset to say close this opinion, own, therefore, subjective. A server likes to think, a verb that is only punishment for the gregarious man, for the mass man: “Being from the left is, like being from the right, one of the infinite ways that man can choose to be an idiot: both, in effect, are forms of moral hemiplegia”. He appears in “The rebellion of the masses”, published in 1937.

Eugenio-Jesus of Avila

#Rich #poor #Zamoras #Day

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