Rickettsia symptoms and why it can cause death

by time news

2023-05-04 18:15:53

Insects are the terror of the home, especially if they are carriers of dangerous diseases such as rickettsia. which goes from tick to be human, and can be potentially deadly for the latter.

Although it should be noted that not all tick bites cause the so-called Rocky Mountain spotted fever o maculous fever. But if you want to know if you are in danger, or if you are not entirely sure of the origin of that injury, we invite you to continue reading…

What is Rickettsiosis?

The rickettsiosis is not a disease but a group of infectious diseases caused by bacteria of the Rickettsia genus, which are transmitted by vectors, mainly ticks, although fleas can also transmit them.

In Mexico there are three predominant species, the one with the greatest impact being that produced by Rickettsia ricketssi, whose main vector and reservoir is the tick. rhipicepahlus sanguineus

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Report deaths from Rickettsia in Hermosillo

With the increase in temperatures, the authorities of the entity have reported the increase in infections and Rickettsial deaths. From January to May, 13 deaths were recorded. The favorable heat for ticks to look for food and reproduce, so they invite citizens to be alert.

What causes Rickettsia?

This tick usually resides on dogs. The bacteria it carries causes the disease known as Rocky Mountain spotted fever or Rocky Mountain spotted fever.

This can be transmitted by a bite, but also by direct contact in open wounds with tissues or fluids of the tick, inhalation of contaminated aerosols and, less frequently, by blood transfusion.

Another type of bacteria of this type, with importance in Mexico, are Rickettsia typhi, whose main vector is the rat flea and causes murine typhus, and Rickettsia prowazekii, whose vector is the louse, hosted in humans and causes epidemic typhus.

However, the greatest impact on public health is that of Rickettsia rickettsi, to which are added difficulties, such as being a little-known disease, having symptoms associated with other diseases, and the fact that tick bites can go unnoticed.

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Symptoms of Rickettsiosis

The symptoms of rickettsiosis can vary depending on the type of rickettsial bacteria. In the case of the one that causes the spotted fever of the Rocky Mountains, the symptoms can appear between 2 and 14 days after the bite, among them are:

* Chills and fever of 39°C or higher
* Confusion
* Intense headache
* Dolor muscular
* Skin rash on wrists and ankles, usually days after the onset of fever. It can spread to the whole body

Likewise, the National Library of Medicine of the United States, points out that infection by Rickettsia rickettsi can also cause diarrhea, sensitivity to light, hallucinations, lack of appetite, nausea and vomiting, abdominal pain and thirst.

If you have these symptoms, see your doctor immediately, especially if you think you may have been exposed to ticks, for example, if you sleep with your dog or if you have been in places where ticks are common.

Since symptoms can occur with other conditions, tests are often required to confirm the diagnosis and treat the condition through antibiotics and removal of the tick, if it remains attached.

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What does spotted fever mean?

Basically it is a bacterial disease which is spread by infected ticks. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, most people who get it experience a fever, headache, and rash.

Can rickettsiosis be deadly?

In general, specialists point out that the infection caused by Rickettsia rickettsi is usually cured by treatment. However, approximately three percent of those who contract the disease die.

That’s right, as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention explains, if not treated early with the right antibiotic, the disease can be deadly.

In fact, if left undetected and untreated, it can lead to complications such as brain damage, clotting problems, heart failure, kidney failure, lung failure, meningitis, pneumonitis, and shock.

For this reason, it is very important not only to know the symptoms and act on time, but also to reduce the risk of bites.

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How to avoid the spread of rickettsiosis?

One way to do this is to care for our petspreventing them from going out unsupervised, that is, they should always walk on a leash and avoid coming into contact with animals that may have ticks.

In the same way, it is important to bathe them every two or three weeks with veterinary soaps, check that they do not have ticks or fleas and use an anti-tick and anti-flea treatment to protect them.

Finally, keep in mind that not having a dog does not exempt you from the risk. If you find a tick in your home, it is better to spray. Look under the mattresses, in the corner of the ceiling, on the floor, behind pictures.

If you are going to be walking outdoors, you can use permethrin on your clothing and shoes, especially if you will be walking in areas with tall grasses and lots of bushes or trees. In these cases it is better to find out if ticks are common, bathe when you get home and be aware of any symptoms.

How is rickettsia cured in people?

This infection, in most cases, responds to antibiotic treatment (doxycycline preferred), which is administered orally. If the person becomes seriously ill, this medicine is given through an IV.

Although we think that ticks and fleas are just annoying bugs that affect our pets, they can actually harm our health. Now that you know what rickettsiosis is, don’t ignore the symptoms and open your eyes to the presence of these bugs.

If you want to keep your house clean and tidy to avoid the appearance of these insects, we invite you to watch the following video:

#Rickettsia #symptoms #death

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