Right-wing conspiracy theorist convicted of hammer attack on Nancy Pelosi’s husband: report

by time news

Right-Wing Conspiracy Theorist Convicted of Hammer Attack on Nancy Pelosi’s Husband

On November 16th, a federal jury convicted right-wing conspiracy theorist David Wayne DePape of a hammer attack on the husband of former U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. The attack took place in the early morning hours of October 28, 2022, at the Pelosis’ San Francisco home. DePape broke into the residence and struck Paul Pelosi over the head with a hammer, while Nancy Pelosi was away in Washington.

The San Francisco jury found DePape guilty of attempted kidnapping and assault of an immediate family member of a federal official. These convictions carry potential prison sentences of 20 years and 30 years, respectively, under federal sentencing guidelines. DePape also faces further charges in California state court, including attempted murder, which could result in a potential sentence of 13 years to life in prison.

The attack left Paul Pelosi unconscious and hospitalized for several days, undergoing surgery for skull fractures as well as sustaining injuries to his hands and right arm. His recovery is ongoing, and Nancy Pelosi issued a statement thanking people for their support.

During the trial, Pelosi testified that he has tried not to relive the episode, including by avoiding the video clip of the attack, but that he did remember waking up on the floor in a “pool of blood.”

Defense attorney Jodi Linker argued during the trial that DePape did not commit a federal crime because he was not driven by Pelosi’s official duties as speaker, but rather by a belief in wide-ranging but misguided conspiracy theories.

Evidence presented during the trial showed that DePape was driven by right-wing conspiracy theories, embracing fictions spread by QAnon, and demonstrating beliefs questioning the Holocaust and feeding off political accusations against Hunter Biden and George Soros.

DePape, who testified in his own defense, admitted to his actions. He told the jury that he wanted to kidnap Nancy Pelosi, interrogate her, and break her kneecaps if he found her to be lying. However, he found her husband asleep in his bed, and the attack was a reaction to his original plan going awry.

Police recovered various items in DePape’s backpack, including zip ties, tape, rope, a second hammer, gloves, and a journal, indicating premeditation of the attack.

The attack and subsequent trial shed light on the dangerous consequences of conspiracy theories and the impact of right-wing media promoting unfounded claims. Although DePape expressed regret for harming Paul Pelosi, the incident remains a stark reminder of the real-world implications of extremist beliefs and actions.

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