– My choice was made after a lot of pondering, lots of doubts and difficult processes in my head. The time has now come to say goodbye to the long commitment of another term in the Storting, she says the newspaper.
Bru says she has never experienced having a normal family life.
– The Storting commits me to living in Oslo for four new years, without a way out if necessary. I don’t want that, she says.
Bru was oil and energy minister in Erna Solberg’s government. She has two children aged five and a half.
– The eldest will be six in the autumn and will start school. Then I got number two a year and a half ago. We have never had a normal everyday life; I have not seen them when they have risen in the morning, and I have not been there when they go to bed. Except at weekends, then, she says.
Conservative leader Erna Solberg tells VG that she understands the election.
– I understand very well that it is difficult to commit to four new years in Oslo as a parliamentary representative when she has young children in a completely different city, says Solberg to the newspaper.
When it comes to the position of deputy leader, Bru says that it is too early to decide whether she will resign at the next national meeting. That pleases Solberg.
– I am very happy that this is not a farewell to politics, and that she is open to contributing in other roles that do not lock her away from her family for four years. Tina is an important politician for the Conservative Party.
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