Rina Matzliach got upset and shouted in the studio program Friday: “You know what? Shut up!”

by time news

The “Ulpan Shishi” program has known many verbal confrontations in the past and another one was recorded last night (Friday) with a heated confrontation between media woman Rina Matzliach and media man Boaz Bismuth. Danny Kushmero, the host of Ulpan Shishi, asked Mitzlih to comment on MK Mavi Laski’s remarks from Meretz, who said yesterday that she supports Abu Mazen’s payment to the terrorists’ families:

Maslih responded to Kushmero’s question: “I want to offer a broader view of the attack. Sometimes we have to come and tell the public: this is an attack and there will be many more attacks. Until we solve the Palestinian problem one way or another, we are subject to these attacks and this killing of our young sons, soldiers. “Women. It is our destiny until a solution is found to the conflict.”

“It’s very nice that we made the Abrahamic Accords, really. It’s nice that we proved we can connect with Arab countries regardless of the Palestinians. It’s very nice to mention early in the morning and in the days of Oslo there were a lot of terrorist attacks. “There is no real political plan for how to resolve the bloody conflict with the Palestinians, with the central problem of the State of Israel, which is why we are subjected to terrorist attacks every day, all the time.”

Maslih continued the monologue: “The left is slowly realizing that the idea of ​​two states for two peoples is fading, the right has never presented an alternative to a solution to this conflict other than living as a state that gives too few rights to too large a public.”

Here Bismuth erupted and claimed towards Maslih: “Remind viewers that the first attack was in 1751 a few years before the establishment of the state. Second thing, do you justify terrorism now? Answer me!”.

Successfully cynically: “Really, I justify terrorism!”.

Bismuth: “How is that possible? What you are doing now is very serious!”.

Matzliach lost her temper and shouted at Bismuth: “You know what? Shut up! Shut up. Anyone who tells me I justify terrorism I will not hear it.”

Kushmero intervened in the difficult dialogue between senior media figures, and silenced them.

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