Rioboo defends a program to advance to a second urban transformation of Culleredo

by time news

2023-05-12 21:28:00

The mayor was accompanied by Valentn Gonzlez Formoso, general secretary of the PSdG-PSOE, and the exalcalde Julio Sacristn

12 may 2023 . Updated at 9:28 p.m.

He PSOE de Culleredo began his 28M campaign at Servizos Múltiples with an act in which his candidate for reelectin, Jos Ramn Rioboopresent a program designed by and for the neighborhood for the municipality to move forward. Was he accompanied by the general secretary of the PSdeG? PSOE, Valentn Gonzlez Formoso, in addition to Julio Sacristn, the former mayor of the municipality. We are a team with experience in management, with enthusiasm and with many ideas to keep Culleredo moving forwardindicated Rioboo who referred to the complexity of the mandate due to the pandemic. In this difficult context, we act as appropriate, making it a priority to give the necessary social response, especially to the most vulnerable people, he pointed out, noting that the situation could affect the deadlines of some projects. However, he said that in Culleredo they developed historic initiatives among which he cited the regeneration of the O Burgo estuary, promoted by the central government, and the beginning of the humanization of Vilaboa, which he considers to be a long-standing project. We are building a modern Culleredo, with a remarkable transformation in both the urban and rural areas, with new equipment and public spaces that contribute to the well-being of the neighborhoodI affirm and apostille that now, this project needs to be strengthened to continue moving forward. Indicate that they present themselves to obtain an increase that guarantees that the progress in quality of life that we are making is consolidated and thereby achieve second urban transformation of Culleredo.

He also thanked Formoso for his support. a pride to work in the Deputation in the Valentn team, promoting Ecological Transition and Employment projects, essential areas for societyassured.

We are the only serious, positive and stable government proposal for Culleredoready.

For his part, the general secretary of the PSdeG highlighted the transformative capacity to improve the day-to-day life of the people in the councils governed by the socialists and cited various projects as examples, such as the planned circular economy in the Cros factory, which recently visited the Minister of Foreign Affairs, José Manuel Albares

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