Riots: a young man still in a coma after a police shooting, his lawyer denounces the “hostility” of the judges

by time news

2023-08-01 17:17:33

He denounces the “hostility” of the magistrates. A request for expatriation was filed with the Attorney General of Nancy by Me Yassine Bouzrou, lawyer for the family of Aimène B., a 25-year-old young man still in a coma after being hit on June 30 by a gunshot. a Raid policeman, in Mont-Saint-Martin (Meurthe-et-Moselle), during the riots.

The lawyer denounces the “refusal” of the Nancy investigating judges to give him access to the case file, after the opening in early July of a judicial investigation for “attempted intentional homicide”. An “unacceptable” opposition which “questions as to their motivations”, he said on Tuesday in a letter sent to the Attorney General of Nancy, asking for the case to be referred to another court.

“Elements must be concealed”

Me Bouzrou said he received an end of inadmissibility on Monday, after requesting a copy of the procedure from the court. He indicates that he was again refused when he tried to reach the clerk, the secretariat having replied that the file was “not currently in the form to be consulted”.

“The fact of needing to format the file before giving knowledge to the civil party makes it possible to fear that elements must be concealed before its consultation”, judge Me Bouzrou in the press release.

“A concern for the protection of the police”

“The refusal of the investigating magistrates to investigate this file and to communicate to the civil parties the elements of the file demonstrates a hostility which can only be explained by a concern for the protection of the police officer who has committed an extremely serious offence”, adds he, specifying that the latter has – “to (his) knowledge” – “still not been indicted”.

Also denouncing “usual links” between the Raid police officers, based in Nancy, and the magistrates and the prosecution of this same city, Me Bouzrou requests a referral of the procedure to another court.

25-year-old Aimène B. has been in a coma since June 30, after being hit in the head by a projectile fired by a Raid policeman. A shooting which was “justified by no act of the victim”, who “had not committed any offense” and “did not participate in the riots”, according to the family lawyer.

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