Rise in mortgage rates: it’s time to go through a brokerage company!

by time news

In a context of high professional mobility, economic tension, and at the same time, rising mortgage rates, brokers are mobilizing to enable individuals to find a bank that suits their needs.

6 out of 10 French people consider that loans are becoming more and more difficult to access…

While many employees, encouraged by teleworking, want to buy a more comfortable main residence to spend more time at home. But according to a recent survey, the French are also increasingly worried about the decline in their purchasing power and their borrowing capacity. Ultimately, the rise in interest rates, the maintenance of high real estate prices and restrictive credit access conditions lead 6 out of 10 French people to believe that borrowing for real estate has become more difficult than in the past. The mortgage rate soared, going from 1.10% last December to 1.25 or even 1.30% in May 2022, and on the other hand, the usury rate (the maximum legal rate at which a bank can lend money) decreased from 2.41% to 2.40% for loans 20 years and older.

Go through a broker to benefit from a privileged address book and negotiation skills

Negotiations with banks are therefore now much more tense and difficult, and response times are increasing considerably. To save time and energy, it is therefore more efficient than ever to go through a broker. According to this same survey, soliciting a broker saves time and provides expert support for 83% of respondents, and a source of savings for 63% of them. Calling on a CAFPI broker, for example, also allows you to benefit from a careful analysis of your profile taking into account the various parameters related to your situation, and to take advantage of the network of banking partners established for several years. Not all banks are attracted by the same type of profiles and projects, and a broker will know exactly who to contact depending on each situation.

Brokers and their role in the macroeconomic panorama

Finally, at the macro-economic level, the major brokers also have a role to play. Recently, Olivier Lendrevie, President of CAFPI, challenged the government and the Banque de France to reform the method of calculating the wear rate to avoid the risk of exclusion from access to credit to a number of borrowers more more numerous.

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