Rise in Support for Hamas and Widespread Rejection of President Mahmoud Abbas: A Post-War Opinion Poll among Palestinians

by time news

A recent poll has revealed a shift in Palestinian opinion, with a rise in support for Hamas and a strong rejection of President Mahmoud Abbas. The findings indicate potential difficulties ahead for the Biden administration and question Israel’s stated goal of ending Hamas’ military and governing capabilities.

According to the poll, nearly 90% of Palestinians believe President Abbas should resign. The results bring into question Washington’s call for the West Bank-based Palestinian Authority to eventually assume control of Gaza. The Palestinians have not held elections since 2006, and the possibility of restarting credible negotiations on Palestinian statehood remains uncertain.

The survey conducted among 1,231 people in the West Bank and Gaza from Nov. 22 to Dec. 2 revealed a further erosion of the PA’s legitimacy. The pollster, Khalil Shikaki, stated that this could lead to an open-ended Israeli occupation of Gaza.

Despite the devastation caused by the recent Israel-Hamas war, the support for Hamas has increased, particularly in Gaza. The poll also showed widespread frustration with the international community, particularly the United States and key European countries, as they pushed for an immediate humanitarian cease-fire in Gaza.

The findings of the survey are indicative of the prevailing sentiment among Palestinians, which paints a complex and challenging picture for the future of the region.

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