Rising Concerns Over Lionfish Invasion in Dodecanese and Crete: Threats to Fisheries and Tourists

by time news

There is concern regarding the appearance of rabbitfish mainly in the Dodecanese and Crete and the increase of their population. Scientists and fishermen have repeatedly pointed out the dangers for fishing, as well as for tourists.

This is a very aggressive species that migrated to our waters years ago from the Red Sea via the Suez Canal; however, their numbers have increased significantly in recent years.

Gerasimos Kondylatos, a ichthyologist at the Rhodes Hydrobiological Station of HCMR, emphasizes that the most appropriate reaction for swimmers is to get out of the water if they encounter such a fish, as its bite can cause amputation or a serious wound.

Mr. Kondylatos also highlighted that besides Rhodes and Crete, rabbitfish have appeared in the rest of the Dodecanese, as well as in the Peloponnese, in these eastern areas.

The president of the fishermen in the Heraklion region, Giannis Androulakis, mentioned that there have been many accidents involving rabbitfish. “We have already told the responsible authorities of the Crete Region to inform the public about rabbitfish, as they are aggressive. They can appear in water as shallow as 20 centimeters. They can come out… up to the ankle of a swimmer,” he said and added:

“Do you remember the case with the little boy in Sitia, who was bitten a year and a half ago and needed surgery? We also had another incident in Kalymnos… There have been 6-8 accidents. And these are the ones that have become known. Because I believe there are many more, but they are hidden to avoid alleged damage to tourism.”

A little while ago, the director of Research at HCMR, Giorgos Tserpes, confirming the attacks by rabbitfish on people, emphasized that this particular fish can attack if it sees something shiny or moving, considering it as prey. For this reason, he advised caution in the areas where rabbitfish have appeared.

Source ieidiseis.gr

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