Rising corona numbers in Denmark

by time news

Denmark, which has turned away from all domestic corona restrictions, has been experiencing increasing numbers of new infections for a few days.

the essentials in brief

  • New corona infections in Scandinavian Denmark are increasing again.
  • On Monday, 1411 new corona cases were reported within 24 hours.
  • Corona measures have not been in place in the country for over a month.

On Monday, the state health institute SSI reported 1,411 new corona cases within the past 24 hours.

For comparison: since the end of August only a few hundred cases have been recorded every day, and the number of days has been in the four-digit range for just under a week.

According to the Danish news agency Ritzau, the value on Monday was the highest number of days recorded since January. The number of hospital admissions in the five-million-inhabitant country rose by 19 to 186. The SSI did not record any deaths in connection with Covid-19 diseases this time.

Denmark lifted the last corona restrictions introduced in the pandemic on September 10. The government in Copenhagen had justified this with the high Danish vaccination rates and also with the fact that the pandemic was under control. Despite the complete relaxation, the number of new infections did not increase more sharply until October.

More on the subject:

Government coronavirus


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