Rising costs for dairies: milk and butter are becoming even more expensive | free press

by time news

Head of the dairy industry: Increased production costs for farmers will soon make dairy products even more expensive, according to the dairy industry.


According to the dairy industry, dairy products are likely to become even more expensive after the recent price increases.

“The prices are rising to an extent that I have never experienced before,” said the general manager of the dairy industry association, Eckhard Heuser, of the “Mitteldeutsche Zeitung”.

According to Agrarmarkt Informations-Gesellschaft (AMI), the cheapest 250-gram pack of branded butter currently costs 2.09 euros, which is 44 percent more than a year earlier. “I assume that the price will continue to rise,” said Heuser. A liter of UHT milk costs 0.98 cents. Heuser expects prices of more than one euro in the coming months.

Reasons for the price increases are increased production costs for farmers for animal feed, fertilizer and fuel. In addition, according to Heuser: “The milk is really scarce.” The milk volume has fallen overall due to a shortage of feed and production stops at farms. Farmers currently receive a national average of 43 cents per liter of milk. According to Heuser, some dairies in Germany are already paying 48 cents. (dpa)

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