Risky professions: a medical examination will be compulsory at 61, assures Olivier Véran

by time news

The executive wants to carry out a “prevention of professional wear and tear”. In this context, the arduousness component of the pension reform will include for risky professions a “compulsory and systematic medical examination” at the age of 61 with occupational medicine, making “possible” an early departure, assured the door-keeper on Wednesday. word of the government Olivier Véran.

“Now, thanks to medical advice, it will be possible to leave earlier,” he said on Franceinfo. A “compulsory and systematic medical examination” will take place at the age of 61, in addition to that which already existed at the age of 45. The spokesperson further specified that this “new mechanism” still had to be the subject of consultations.

Faced with the shortage of occupational physicians, he did not rule out, where appropriate, that the attending physician be responsible for this diagnosis. But “it is rather on occupational medicine that things are based, after which they will be refined according to the negotiations”.

In passing, he recalled the creation of an investment fund of one billion euros by 2027, in particular to finance tools limiting the arduousness of work. Olivier Véran thus cited patient lifters for hospitals or nursing homes.

He also recalled that the reform improved a certain number of existing hardship criteria: it will now be necessary to work 100 nights per year and not 120 (30 nights per year instead of 50 when you are in 3*8) to acquire points qualifying for early retirement.

Painful postures, carrying heavy loads…

Finally, “there will undoubtedly be careers, trades, situations which will justify a form of automaticity” of acquisition of points, he assured, without giving more details. According to the government, the professional branches must identify “the professions most exposed to ergonomic risk factors which cause 9 out of 10 occupational diseases: painful postures, carrying heavy loads and mechanical vibrations”.

The government also intends to develop, thanks to the investment fund, in particular aid for training and retraining during the career towards less arduous professions. Last November, the boss of the Medef, Geoffroy Roux de Bézieux, had proposed the establishment of a medical examination “which can take place at 50 and then at 55 to see the wear and tear at work” and determine whether the employee can retire before the legal retirement age.

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