Rita joins the wave of protest against the discrimination law

by time news

Eliyahu Luxenberg, knitted news29.12.22 17:11 Lord in Tevet Tishpeg

Rita joins the wave of protest against the discrimination law

Yonatan Sindel/Flash90

The veteran Israeli singer Rita also joins the growing wave of protest against the “discrimination law”.

While the members of the new government were sworn in at the Knesset, veteran singer Rita decided to post on social media protesting the discrimination law. Rita quoted words from her famous song “Come” and wrote in the colors identified with the gay community: “Let’s spread the veil of fog, let’s stand in the light and not in the shadow”, obviously referring to the law in question.

As I recall, the section of the law that was included in the coalition agreements between religious Zionism and the Likud will allow a private business to avoid providing a service due to religious belief, according to its many opponents this will actually lead to LGBT discrimination.

Rita joins many celebrities, and large companies who protested strongly against the change in the law.

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Just yesterday, the singer Mookie spoke about the law and said: “In Germany and other countries in Europe in the 1930s and 1940s, just 80 years ago, you could see the sign “Dogs and Jews are not allowed” displayed in various places: on shops, houses Coffee, parliament buildings and more. I thought about it again, today, when I see the Tirlol parade and the evil one who shouts that in the name of religious faith a doctor can choose who to treat and who not, a business owner can choose who to provide service and who not, who “marks” the different ones.

Citizens’ protest today against the establishment of the government (photo: Citizen Order 8 to save democracy)

Muki continued and addressed his followers: “Racism, hatred of difference and others, spitting in the faces of the citizens here is crossing a red line. We must be awake, we must be human beings before we are citizens, we have the duty to protect our souls as individuals and as a society, lest we turn into everything we have always despised and feared , as human beings, as Jews, as citizens, as possessors of conscience and a free soul, which opposes and does not recognize the difference between blood and blood. We are brothers. Let’s protect ourselves. And guard yourselves for your souls is not a slogan of caution on the roads, but the order of the hour for everyone who has a heart.”

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These difficult things that the artists are saying join the announcement of several mayors who have announced that they will not cooperate if the law is passed and even confiscate business licenses for business owners in their city who fail on gender grounds. Discount Bank also announced that it will update its credit policy according to which it will not grant credit to a business or entity that discriminates against customers on any basis.

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