Road accident map: how often it crashes on your doorstep

by time news

2023-07-29 11:43:00

Traffic accidents How often is there a crash on your doorstep? Check the interactive accident map

The map of the Federal Statistical Office shows the locations of traffic accidents in Germany in the past year

© Ehrlichsmann / / DPA, Screenshot / Federal Statistical Office / Picture Alliance

Eight people died in road traffic accidents in Germany every day last year – and there were an average of almost 1,000 injuries each time. An interactive map shows where the crashes were particularly common – address-specific. Check out what it’s like on your doorstep.

2788 people lost their lives in accidents on the roads last year – from “Vision Zero”, ie the goal of bringing this number to zero Germany still far away. And yet: Despite the increase compared to the (Corona) year 2021, the long-term trend is downwards. Road traffic in this country is becoming safer and safer.

This is the result of the annual traffic accident statistics from the Federal Statistical Office. In total, there were around 2.4 million accidents that the police registered, with around 290,000 of them injuring or killing people. Accidents caused by alcohol consumption in particular are playing an increasingly important role, but speeding or driving too close remain the main causes of accidents.

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The meticulous recording of the causes of accidents should help to draw conclusions and thus further reduce the number of traffic victims. For example, the number of accident fatalities fell after the speed limit on country roads was limited, after the introduction of compulsory seat belts or after the lowering of the blood alcohol limit.

The places where the crashes are documented are just as meticulous as the causes of traffic accidents – in order to draw conclusions from the accident black spots: Are there no 30 km/h zones somewhere? Is an intersection confusing? Should there be an overtaking ban? Or do the police have to check more often?

From the data obtained, the Federal Statistical Office recently Accident Atlas 2022 created, in which all German traffic accidents with injuries or deaths in the past year are entered. Accidents that only result in material damage are not shown in the accident atlas.

Accident Atlas 2022: How often does it crash on your doorstep?

On the interactive map you can see at the exact address whether there is an accident black spot on your doorstep or whether your children have to go through particularly dangerous places on their way to school. Last but not least, the data can be used as an argument for the authorities, for example when it comes to building traffic lights, setting up a 30 km/h zone or more speed controls.

Notes on use: You can use the menu at the top left to filter the display, for example by accidents involving bicycles or accidents with fatalities. You can search for your address at the top right, alternatively you can also view your desired location by using the plus button and moving the map. Javascript must be activated for use. If you have problems with the display, you can also use the Accident Atlas 2022 directly at the Federal Statistical Office call.

Sources: Federal Office of StatisticsDPA news agency

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