Rob Brezsny’s Horoscope – Week of June 9-15, 2022

by time news


“It takes a spasm of love to write a poem”, assured the American feminist writer Erica Jong. And it probably also takes a spasm of love to solve a problem with a loved one, a spa

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“The great periods of our life are those when we have the courage to consider what is bad in us as the best we have.” By this aphorism, Friedrich Nietzsche was making

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Well, Gemini, why this insecurity lately? Come on, pull yourself together and recite this incantation in front of the mirror: “I am not injured. I’m not on the wrong side

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In the Tibetan language, the term nyingdu-la means “the poison dearest to my heart”. We all know at least one person who fits this description: an enemy we love to hate.

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“Don’t pray for the rain to stop. Pray for good fishing when the river overflows.” Hear this exhortation from American peasant-poet Wendell Berry, Lion. The situation in which

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“It’s boring to always be the same person”, sighed the Argentinian writer Julio Cortázar. A strange lament from such an inventive author who, throughout his long and prolific career

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“What annoys me the most in today’s society is that I am so, but so tired”, laments blogger Frogbestfriend. Pretty pirouette to humorously report his problems of i

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“We talk so much about light, writes poet Maggie Smith. Please let me give a voice to the beneficent darkness. Let’s talk more about the darkness in which the day is born.” You tr

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During the Oscars ceremony, the lucky winners take the stage to deliver a brief speech, expressing their gratitude to all those to whom they feel they owe their statuette. A recent study

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After waging war at Troy, Odysseus, hero of The Odyssey, of Homer, aspires only to find his home and his wife, Penelope, in Ithaca. But the gods impose on him ten long years of wandering, sown

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“I have never known anyone who regretted having listened to their heart”, says life coach Marie Forleo. Is listening to your heart the same as ignoring the warnings of your mind? Not necessarym

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“The more the image that I have of myself is clear in my mind, the more it is precious to me and the less I fear that someone will erase it by denying me their love”writes the actress and writer

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