Roberto Abate (Lega a Greve): “The majority rejects the motion on the presence of doctors on ambulances”

by time news

GREVE IN CHIANTI – “On Monday 30 September a heated municipal council meeting took place in Greve in Chianti, where the topic of local health policies dominated the debate”.

The League councilor made this known Roberto Abatewho presented a motion supported by the councilor of the Brothers of Italy Vito Andrea Cuscito (both from the council group For Change).

A motion which, says Abate, “was however rejected by the majority, raising concerns among citizens and voluntary associations. The fears are linked to the possible decrease in medical presence on board ambulances and medical cars in the emergency services of the surrounding communities”.

“Even the Imagine Greve list – Abate points out – shared the concern about the cutting of the doctor on board the ambulance, voting in favor of the motion. Filippo Pierinigroup leader, highlighted the insufficiency of a single doctor for such a vast area. The group’s advisors, Leonardo Pierini and Corinna Verniani, also took matters further, insisting on the urgency of addressing the issue and the importance of medical support for volunteers and underlining that the transition from the current medicalized ambulance to the future medical vehicle represents a serious step backwards in protecting the health of the citizens of our municipality”.

“During the discussion – Abate continues – the importance of an adequate emergency health service emerged, given the extension of the territory and the considerable distance from the nearest hospital”.

Roberto Abate (Lega a Greve): “The majority rejects the motion on the presence of doctors on ambulances”

“The opening of the first community house in the municipality of Impruneta – he continues – has further increased the concerns of the population, fearing inconvenience in the event of emergency management with a single doctor covering such a vast area”.

The motion, underlines Abate, “requested the establishment of a discussion table with the Tuscany Region, the ASL Toscana Centro, the Public Assistance, the Misericordia and the political representatives”.

“The objective – again Abate’s words – was to ensure an adequate medical presence, with supporters underlining the need to have a doctor available in each municipality or, at least, to maintain the current configuration which provides for a nurse on board in San Casciano and a doctor in other municipalities”.

“Although the need to review health policies was recognized – he highlights – the majority rejected the motion, supported by an intervention by the welfare councilor which raised further concerns about local healthcare. The majority’s decision seemed more influenced by ideological motivations and the desire not to contradict the regional political line, rather than by a real analysis of the needs of the territory”.

“The mayor of Greve – underlines Abate – stated that there is a discussion table with all the subjects involved, but the rejection of the motion left those present confused and disappointed. The opposition united in calling for collective and proactive action, but the debate stalled in a stalemate caused by partisan interests, creating anxiety among citizens and volunteers committed to ensuring the health safety of the community.”

“At a time when public health is crucial – concludes Abate – it will be important to observe the administration’s future initiatives to meet the health needs of the population and ensure an effective and timely emergency service. The rejection of the motion raises questions not only about the current management, but also about future strategies to safeguard citizens’ health. It is essential to encourage united action, across political borders, since health is a fundamental right that must be guaranteed.”

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