Roberto Feletti vindicated Débora Giorgi, after his abrupt departure from the Government

by time news

The Secretary of Internal Commerce, Roberto Feletti, recognized the task of Débora de Giorgi, after his noisy exit from the Government weeks ago, after the Indec reflected on Tuesday a decline in the inflation index from price controls.

Feletti argued that the dissemination of a inflation rise of 2.5% the previous month, far from the 3% in which it had been located in the previous months, represents that the freezing of more than 1,400 products arranged in October “paid off”.

One of the objectives, which was to stop the inflationary acceleration, which we had seen in September and October, the index reflects that having established a regulated basket had a favorable impact, “Felett said in statements to Radio con Vos.

The official valued in this sense the work of who came to perform as his second in the area, although she was not named. “Part of the success of this had to do with Débora Giorgi”Feletti acknowledged. And he exposed the internal differences in the Government: “It is a discussion that has taken place at the highest level and an official has to accept team discussions”.

As published by LA NACION, sources from the Secretary of Commerce justified the departure in a more or less veiled confrontation with Matías Kulfas” class=”com-link” data-reactroot=””>Matias Kulfas, the Minister of Productive Development, the area on which the Secretary of Commerce depends. Likewise, it turned out that the lack of appointment was a form of pressure that Kulfas would have exerted.

Feletti referred during the radio interview to his link with Kulfas. The minister had disavowed it when he suggested the possibility of increasing withholdings” class=”com-link” data-reactroot=””>The minister had disavowed it when he suggested the possibility of increasing withholdings to decouple domestic prices from international ones. “He thought aloud,” Kulfas said about Feletti and considered that it is something that officials should avoid doing.

I already said what I had to say. I do not want to rekindle the controversies“Feletti initially excused himself, although he ratified his sayings and assured that the people” have the right “to know what the officials think.

Feletti cited items from a gondola basket as an example, citing a packet of 000 flour, sunflower mix oil, and dry noodles. “It is impossible to hold [esa canasta] if the price of wheat rises internationally, and the volumes of wheat are exported. In that there is no discussion”, He stated.

And he added: “Nor do I want to fall in love with an instrument because otherwise we become dogmatic.” Feletti said that “it is impossible to ensure a regulated basket of prices” if other tools are not used and expressed that there may be “a technical infeasibility”.

The trade minister pointed out, however, that the discussion is on the table and said that there was a meeting with the ministers Kulfas (Productive Development), Julián Domínguez (Agriculture) and Martín Guzmán (Economy). “We have agreed that this was a problem, and that they were going to shuffle different alternatives and proposals “, he indicated.

Feletti positively highlighted the drop in prices in the “Food and non-alcoholic beverages” item, which reached 2.1% in the index reported by Indec. He pointed out that, except for August, it is one of the months with the lowest indicators. “The pricing policy paid off, beyond the predictions of failure,” he chicanered.

Ahead, he said he was going to monitor fresh food, “which is what has most negatively affected the index”. He put special interest in the meat – he gave account of the agreement reached on five cuts – with the aim of “producing a reduction [de la inflación] in December”.

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