Robot surgeons and baristas, the novelties at the Mobile World Congress

by time news

The world of robotics is one of the great novelties of the Mobile World Congress 2023 (MWC), one of the most important events in the technology industry in the world and which is taking place these days in Barcelona, ​​Spain.

There are robots of all kinds and for different uses. There is, for example, the barista robot from SK Telecom and Doosan Robotics designed to maximize the operational efficiency of coffee shops: it is powered by artificial intelligence and big data. Also those who are thinking of becoming security guards or guides in shopping centers.

Other proposals focus in supporting surgeons in operating rooms during the operating processes. There is a robot dog that in its physique is very similar to a real one, an exoskeleton that promises to improve the quality of life of patients with reduced mobility and a humanoid that, although it has remained off during the first days of the MWC, draws the attention of visitors who walk through pavilion three of the Fira Gran Vía events center.

the robot surgeon

In the health sector, this type of technology is being implemented. And one case is that of robot Versius manufactured by the company MR Surgical of England and basically its function is to become an assistant for minimally invasive surgeries.

It can be used in the fields of urology, gynecology and general surgeries to operate hernias or in patients requiring colorectal or gastrointestinal intervention. One advantage it has is that it avoids having to make large incisions in the abdomen, because what the robot does is penetrate through small 5-millimeter cuts.

And these small incisions are made by means of four robotic arms that are controlled remotely from a console by a surgeon. There is one that functions as an endoscope and is relevant because it offers the 3D image to the professional in charge of the process.

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With comfort and great precision, plus a three-dimensional (3D) image, it is being possible to operate what used to be open surgery and which seemed almost impossible to achieve with the help of technology.

Among its benefits is that since it is a minimally invasive surgery, due to the fact that it presents less blood loss and less surgical aggression, the recovery of the postoperative patient is much faster and more satisfactory.

New generation of exoskeletons

The robotic exoskeleton from the Spanish company Able Human Motion is a device surrounded by sensors that interpret the movement of a patient with spinal cord injury who is in a wheelchair.

How does it work? When the person makes a gesture, for example, with the upper part of the body as if they needed to go forward, the device reads that intention and immediately moves their legs to achieve it. In short, it detects when the patient wants to take a step and by means of the motors that he has installed in his knees and hips he makes the movement.

Alfons Carnicero, CEO of the company, said that two differences of this robotic exoskeleton compared to others is that it weighs half of those found on the market and is cheaper (half price): it will cost 60,000 euros, about 305 million dollars. Colombian pesos, approximately.

On measure, it is manufactured between 1.50 meters and 1.90 meters, and is adjusted according to the needs of each patient. In addition, through an application, parameters are changed, such as, for example, that the hip joints exert more or less force, in case the trunk is needed to be more upright.

This technological development has been tested on more than 150 patients in the last four years, which has allowed its creators to improve it more and more. ABLE Human Motion was recognized last year by ACCIÓ, the public agency of Catalonia for business competitiveness, as one of the ten most innovative companies in the “Catalonia Exponential Leaders”.

The humanoid CyberOne

Although it was presented in August of last year, it is the first time that CyberOne is at MWC, being in fact its international premiere. She is 177 centimeters tall, weighs 52 kilos and according to the manufacturer (Xiaomi) with the help of artificial intelligence, she is capable of learning from human emotions so as not to make the same mistakes again.

And that’s not all. This robot can walk at a speed more than 3 kilometers per hourpick up objects and can even return them to their place if ordered to do so.

This humanoid joins another of the company’s big bets: the CyberDog. A quadruped robot dog that has also stolen the looks at the MWC. Among the features of it is that it has a bionic movement, bionic visual and auditory interactive experience, follows instructions, recognizes the owner and even automatically follows the movement of the owner.

In total, it has 11 high-precision sensors (touch, cameras, ultrasonic sensors, GPS modules) throughout the body that transmit information to the brain (artificial intelligence) in real time and allow it to detect information from the environment such as images, light, distance, speed and sound, and restore a more realistic biological response.

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