Robots weld aluminum point by point

by time news

EIt could be so simple: It is not only common in vehicle construction to connect parts made of sheet steel to one another in no time by pressing them together and using pliers to weld them together electrically with welding points. The current heats the material until it melts. The process is called resistance spot welding. It’s quick, holds up well and is the most cost-effective option in series production. Steel is a grateful material in this regard. But aluminum is increasingly being used in cars because safety requirements, comfort requirements and the spread of battery-electric drives are increasing the weight and therefore lighter materials should be used where possible.

Lukas Weber

Editor in the “Technology and Engine” section.

The catch is that aluminum has so far resisted efforts to simply join it with spot welds like steel. Manufacturers and suppliers are therefore looking for ways in which it could still work. Matuschek, a medium-sized company from the Aachen area and specialist in resistance spot welding, has developed a process with which the problems can apparently be solved.

For a long time unsuitable for series production

They are in the properties of the metal. Compared to steel, aluminum has a much lower melting point, but higher electrical and thermal conductivity. In addition, an oxide layer quickly forms on the surface, which in turn changes the electrical resistance. The consequences are high power consumption, unclean welded joints and spatter that have to be reworked. In addition, the copper caps of the welding guns that are pressed onto the workpiece wear out much too quickly. That is why other methods of joining materials are preferred in series production. Gluing is an expensive method that is particularly suitable for joining different materials. The shape must of course be suitable for this, and a subsequent check whether it also holds as intended is difficult. For aluminum, gluing is used in addition to other joining methods. In vehicle construction, these are hollow punch rivets, but they pierce the material and riveting is also expensive.

Test series: spot welds on an aluminum sheet that were destroyed again for testing.

Test series: spot welds on an aluminum sheet that were destroyed again for testing.

Image: F. Pfaffendorf, Magna International Stanztechnik GmbH

There have been repeated attempts to use the spot welding process, explains Alexander Dumpies, head of the pressure welding department at the SLV industry research institute in Halle. It is the leading process in vehicle construction for joining the same materials. The safety-relevant parts for the crash test are all welded. A few years ago, a provider developed a type of tape that runs with the welding process, but it has proven to be susceptible. Others have experimented with different alloys for the welding caps.


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