Roche Italia, the winners of the 2022 calls for research and Sm awarded

by time news

When launching the fourth edition of the 2 calls dedicated to clinical research and multiple sclerosisRoche today awarded the winners of the third edition, that of 2022.

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I 10 winners of the “Roche call for clinical research to support the figures of Data Managers and Research Nurses” – reads a note – and related fellows who will carry out 12 months of research activities, come from: Lombardy (Don Carlo Gnocchi Foundation, Irccs National Cancer Institute Foundation and Italian Sarcoma Group Ets of Milan; Irccs San Matteo Polyclinic Foundation of Pavia ; Asst Spedali Civili of Brescia; European Biomedical Research Foundation of Bergamo), Piedmont (Hospital of SS. Antonio e Biagio and Cesare Arrigo of Alessandria for 2 projects), Liguria (Irccs Policlinico San Martino Hospital of Genoa) and Umbria (Hospital of Perugia).

I 12 Winners of the ‘Roche Call for Services to Support Innovative Solutions for Multiple Sclerosis’which avails itself of the patronage of Aism – Associazione Italiana sm, come from: Lombardy (Irccs Foundation Carlo Besta Neurological Institute and Irccs San Raffaele Hospital in Milan; Asst Spedali Civili of Brescia), Liguria (University of Genoa), Lazio ( PTV Foundation-Policlinico Tor Vergata of Rome), Veneto (Verona Integrated University Company), Sicily (Provincial Health Company of Ragusa), Emilia-Romagna (University Hospital of Ferrara- Arcispedale S. Anna), Piedmont (University Hospital San Luigi Gonzaga of Orbassano in Turin), Campania (University of Naples Federico II), Calabria (Mater Domini University Hospital of Catanzaro) and Puglia (University Hospital of Foggia).

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