ROH Pure Championship Changes Hands as Wheeler Yuta Defeats Katsuyori Shibata in Controversial Match

by time news

Wheeler Yuta Cheats to Win ROH Pure Championship from Katsuyori Shibata

In a shocking turn of events, Wheeler Yuta managed to cheat his way to the ROH Pure championship in the main event of tonight’s episode of Rampage. Yuta, who had previously cut a promo stating his intentions to exploit Katsuyori Shibata’s 2017 brain injury, followed through on his promise by using underhanded tactics to secure the win.

Shibata, who has defied the odds and made a miraculous comeback from a near-fatal brain injury suffered in 2017, was left reeling after Yuta’s low blow and subsequent head slam on the mat. The disrespectful behavior didn’t stop there, as Yuta further taunted Shibata with a fake handshake offer before delivering another low blow and assaulting him once again.

The situation took a concerning turn as Shibata, visibly in pain and holding his head, appeared to be experiencing similar symptoms to those that led to his initial diagnosis in 2017. Commentators immediately voiced their worry for Shibata’s well-being, noting the terrifying parallels to his previous medical emergency.

Thankfully, FTW Champion HOOK came to Shibata’s aid, but the damage had already been done. The unsettling conclusion to the match left fans questioning the sportsmanship and morality of Yuta’s actions.

As the fallout from this upsetting turn of events continues to unfold, it’s clear that the controversy surrounding Yuta’s victory will spark heated discussions within the wrestling community. The future for both Yuta and Shibata remains uncertain, but one thing is for sure – tonight’s events have left a lasting impact on the ROH Pure championship landscape.

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