Role of entrepreneurship in building public welfare

by time news

Use economic profits for social work and job creation – Pope Francis to entrepreneurs

Christopher Francis: The Vatican

Pope Francis has told entrepreneurs that without good entrepreneurs it will be impossible to overcome the great challenges facing today’s society and to recognize the urgent needs presented by these changing times and act as key people to fulfill them.

This is what Pope Francis said when he addressed the approximately 4,600 members participating in the general meeting of the Italian Industrial Federation at noon on Sunday, September 12, at the Vatican’s St. Paul VI Arena.

Calling on entrepreneurs to create a diverse economic system that helps preserve the environment through their creativity and innovation, the Pope said, the world will not be able to cope with the impact of investment without new entrepreneurs.

The Pope warned that we will leave a planet that has been greatly injured by such a reaction to the future generations, calling that what we have done so far to protect the planet is not enough, we must unite and make more efforts.

In the Gospel, the thirty pieces of silver that Judas Iscariot received, then and now, can be used to betray a friend, sell a friend, or save a victim, Judas’ money and the Good Samaritan’s money are in the same market, the same stock market, and the Good Samaritan’s money is more valuable than Judas’ money. As more changes, the economy grows, and it becomes more humane, the Pope said.

The Pope pointed out that the life of entrepreneurs in the Church is not always easy, and that it is easier for a camel to enter the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the theocracy (see Matthew 19:23-24).

Sharing the wealth

The Pope first pointed out the definitions of sharing wealth and creating employment, and said that this is sharing wealth to the needy in the spirit of the Gospel, and I thank these entrepreneurs who are helping the people of Ukraine at this time.

The Holy Father has said to create employment for everyone, especially the youth, the youth need the confidence of the entrepreneurs, and the entrepreneurs need the youth, without the youth, there will be no innovation, power, passion etc.

Reminding that entrepreneurs are workers in themselves and they can only get paid as long as they work, the Pope said that when employment is created, the quality of companies and society improves.

Pope Francis concluded his address by blessing and encouraging the work of entrepreneurs.

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