Roller Rink: An Interesting Combination of Style, Skating and Slaughter Trailer – Gamereactor – Rollerdrome

by time news

Over the years, developer Roll7 has become practically synonymous with skateboarding, thanks in large part to its excellent OlliOlli franchise. However, after launching the latest installment in the series (OlliOlli World), the team is looking to expand into a new IP. Fans of Roll7’s approach to skating will be happy to hear that the game has a similar style, and even a familiar art style. I’m talking about the upcoming Rollerdrome, which I had the pleasure of getting my hands on before its August release.

Unlike OlliOlli, which is set in a world that embraces skateboarding fun, Rollerdrome has a more mature and sadistic premise. The game revolves around a futuristic blood sport called Rollerdrome, where contestants are tasked with zipping around an arena on roller skates while performing tricks and gunning down various attackers in slow-motion, matrix-like fashion. It’s a very unique experience that strikes a good balance between entertaining and challenging.

The game is divided into different levels, reflecting the stages of the 2030 Rollerdrome Championship. You start in the qualifying rounds and work your way up with the goal of reaching the finals, where prize money and titles will be handed out. The thing is, the game gets harder as you move on, adding new enemy types that will make it more challenging not only to survive, but to keep your skill multiplier up.

This got me thinking about how the gameplay works, because not only do you have to kill hordes of enemies scattered throughout each level, shooting them with an array of guns (twin pistols, shotguns, grenade launchers), but you also Skill must be performed. It’s not just for style – though it does help to look cool – but as a way to earn ammo, since there are no ammo drops, you just flip, spin and grind on each level to earn ammo . Enemies drop health, which is vital to surviving, but that’s about it. You might think that having one skill system and one shooting system would make the gameplay and controls rather confusing, but Rollerdrome handles this well and offers a control scheme that is both intuitive and easy to master. That’s because moving and aiming is largely done for you, all you have to manage is the direction you’re facing, same jumping, tricking, and actual shooting, all by clicking buttons, flicking analog sticks and It’s done by pulling the trigger while playing a game with a controller.

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The gameplay itself is very interesting and has enough depth, not only because of the controls, but also because of the level design (which offers a variety of unique levels set in different locations) and the side objectives presented. I would say that getting a checklist at the beginning of the level isn’t the most gripping way to present side objectives, but the nature of each challenge and how they require you to play differently or do things you wouldn’t normally do (eg. Eliminate enemies while performing specific tricks), keep the gameplay fresh – even if they do lack a bit of difficulty and can sweat a lot without breaking.

As I’ve mentioned several times before about enemy breeds, it’s worth noting what I’m referring to here. Enemies range from basic baton-wielding dudes who will watch you as you glide past, stalking snipers dealing massive damage, to masking, homing rockets firing heavy enemies, and more. To face these collections of enemies, you’ll need to flick a variety of weapons to suit the occasion, as dual pistols don’t do much good against riot shield enemies, and similarly, shotguns aren’t the best way to take down snipers (unless you close distance). Just like you don’t need to aim too much, neither do enemies because they will track and target you, and it’s your responsibility to dodge at the best moment to avoid damage.


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While I’d say the Rollerdrome concept is pretty fun and exciting, so far the story hasn’t really caught my eye. This is because the game lacks a clear story, instead you get a few lines of text at the beginning of the game, and then the rest you have to piece together by discovering the lore and information between levels. Needless to say, it doesn’t give color to the blood movement, its origins, who the protagonists are, etc.

But that doesn’t change the fact that the comic book-inspired art style is a bright spot. The art direction of this game makes it look very beautiful, and it also goes hand-in-hand with the gameplay, making the action feel very engaging. Bass and electronic soundtracks add to this, all combined with a thoroughly thrilling experience.

It’s hard to say how Rollerdrome will be a full game now, and whether the lack of narrative and rather uninspired presentation of lateral goals will work against it in the long run, but as it stands, from what I’ve seen See, Roll7 is looking to offer another incredibly fun game.

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