Rome offers an immersive visual and olfactory journey back 2,000 years

by time news

In Italy, the city of Rome has launched a tourist bus that offers an immersive historical tour. Looking out the windows, visitors can observe the city of 2,000 years ago in virtual reality. The images are even accompanied by synthetic smells, which will really transport tourists to another era!

A unique journey through time

For aficionados of Imperial Rome, the VR Bus Roma company offers an unprecedented guided tour. By taking a seat in this bus, the 14 passengers circulate in the most famous archaeological area of ​​the city, for a duration of approximately 30 minutes. They will see through the windows, without the need for a virtual reality headset, the streets and buildings of the time reconstructed in 3D: a unique journey through time and space. “The landscapes are perfectly synchronized with the movements of the bus”, details Radio France. Smells are also diffused according to the zones in which the bus circulates, to make the visit even more immersive.

The City of Rome will offer this experience for six months, at a price similar to a museum entrance: 15 euros. The private company “Invisible cities” has patented this technology and hopes to expand the bus fleet in the near future, and perhaps adapt it to other Italian cities.

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