Ron Koffman: Aryeh Deri once again learned the most important lesson of all

by time news

Yes, it was a glorious knockout. Arya-Ganeb-Serial-Eligible-Righteous-Always, a full-fledged scholar, learned again the most important lesson of all: if a person urinates on the system, it gets wet – but if the system urinates on the person, he drowns.

Of the Supreme Judicial Council, Yosef Elron’s ruling is the most threatening of all – to return the issue to the Chairman of the Elections Committee. This could mean defamation and dismissal from the Darek Lake for seven years, from the date of the Magistrate’s Court’s ruling on his case.

Aryeh Deri is truly a smart and experienced man, knows how to play with what he has, not what he doesn’t have, he is organizing for the next round and will manage Shas outside the government. He is the strongest person in the party. The Baba-Puppet Council is a religious ornament in a kingdom that has been built for decades. His is mythological, and as long as he delivers the goods to his followers, he also knows how. Whoever he appoints to the Ministries of Interior and Health will be a kind of puppet on a string. Arya knows how to manage, and also knows how to depose when someone thinks he is strong enough to fantasize that he can lead.

But the main problem with Deri’s disqualification is racism, pretending to be poor and persecuted, even when in the latest indictment he confessed as part of a plea deal. The confession does not prevent its operators from raging on the judges: “Ten Ashkenazi judges, white people,” writes one of them, Avshalom Ohion, and continues: “The same ones who murdered our ancestors. We will not be silent, corrupt white people, you have had enough.”

And this disgust of the activists is not tried to be extinguished by any governmental body, the opposite is true. The more the better. Incitement is the lifeblood of the right and Shas. It has already cost human lives, and they want a little more of this good. They are tired of the “white people”, who do everything the law states: military service and work. Ohion wants to eliminate it – if possible, then quickly .

Deri, not only confessed, but the day after the conviction and the verdict he retracted it and announced that he would continue to be in the Knesset. Five judges out of 11 disqualified him just because of this lie. Because he walks around the world feeling that he deserves everything. commits crimes, but is convicted only because of his origin. Disguising himself as weak and transparent, but very heavy in dollars, who has succeeded for decades in entrenching the feeling of deprivation, using a macher like Abah to tell us a story about “sweet children, the second Israel”, who are abused by the Ashkenazim.

It is possible that Deri and Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu will embark on another rallying battle for his survival in the government in any other guise. Both will come out of such a battle bruised, but it will be interesting, because “the whites, who murdered the ancestors of the disadvantaged” will not give up. Any political trick will be given a proper fight. Because at the end of the procedure, an absolute majority of the public does not want a twice-convicted criminal, who relies on the public purse.

There is nothing like chaos to lift the spirits of the secularists. We can protest, demonstrate, decide, but this will not create a ruling option. A part of the public despises the rule of law, wants a rule based on stories and interpretations of puppeteers. They hate the retired judge Aharon Barak because of his interpretation of the law, but Baba-Bovat, like Rabbi Meir Mazuz, who gives his own interpretation of the Torah, are recommended as a way of life, which also obliges seculars when they meet with rabbinical courts. They generally treat the woman as a breathing object, who must spend her days in this world reproducing, sewing, grinding, cooking and baking. This is the situation now, and it cannot be changed for a long time by any political exercise. Lapid-plus-Ganz are not an option, Merav Michaeli only exists in the mind of the dying Mapai. I personally am just waiting for the work to disappear from the public just like Meretz.

There is no left in Israel. This concept only serves the right, referring to anyone who opposes Bibi. The left doesn’t ignore the Palestinian conflict and doesn’t banish it from protests just because it doesn’t suit them to be seen in public, to be nice to everyone. It doesn’t work, it won’t work on most. The protest is a large and established industry of several entities that are unable to create minimal unity.

Tomorrow another demonstration is expected on Kaplan Street in Tel Aviv. All the organizing bodies expect about 200,000 participants, in a long human swarm from Azrieli along Kaplan Street to Ibn Gvirol. There is transportation, registration and the whole ceremony. This time it’s a protest against the damage to the justice system, under the guise of a protest against Bibi’s rule. The entire current protest is built on the original Balfour protest. So there were optimal conditions for brains. Corona and global uncertainty were here. People didn’t work, and there’s nothing like a protest to pass the time. I am not referring to the retired military commander Amir Hashkel and his men, who really protested for many months, even when they lived in a tent near Balfour. The crowds, tens of thousands, came because they had nothing to do. There are no bars, no places to hang out at all, so they take the Jama’ah Balfour. There will be alcohol, there will also be soft drugs, there will be beauty. The Black Flags, for example, believed they were saving democracy.

In the end there was an election campaign in which Bibi lost, and Naftali Bennett and his band won it. Then the protest died down, suddenly life was quiet. A year and a half nothing happened. It turned out that the absolute majority of the demonstrators in the field did not come to the polling stations, because it was their protest against the corona vaccines. It is better to suffocate in hospitals, to be sedated and ventilated, than to be vaccinated. I personally have no problem with it (I have been vaccinated five times). Those who want to fall behind may do as they wish, just shut themselves up and not infect others as they have been vaccinated. They thought otherwise, that’s their right. The center and the quasi-left committed suicide in the last election, so let’s go to the streets.

Messages were distributed in WhatsApp groups about joining the “Civil Distrust” operation, according to which “if four million citizens sign it, the mandate will return to the president.” There is no such law in Israel. It was simply an action of the enforcement authority, to store information on the names of the opponents of the new regime. After all, there are no suckers in the security system, and they also know how to spread fakes. Suddenly we were exposed to new types like Benny Zweig, who informs humanity: “Dear friends, I asked Major General Yair Golan to join me in leading the demonstration in Jerusalem, and he accepted my invitation.”

I have a fear that we will see Zweig in the Darak Lake at some point. This is the same fear that caught me in the 2011 protest and I was not wrong. To my delight, all the “organizers” have already flown from Lake Darek. The only social activist was and remains Daphne Leaf. Everyone else settled into jobs right away. disgusted

The Movement for the Quality of Government also joined the current protest, but activists and activities were not enthusiastic, because this is not their protest. “Failure of a movement,” tweeted Sigal Yaniv, “Ego trip of one man, who thinks he runs the world. This is not what our protest looks like. One block together we will win, that’s the slogan, remember?”.
Yes, the truth is. There was a real protest here, suddenly the institutionalized organizations came and took it over. So hatred and division is always good material for destroying a protest. Retired IDF officers do not like the extreme left. A former senior officer (Colonel), who made his way from Bima Square to the museum plaza, was shocked to see the Palestinian flags. They didn’t prepare it.

Even the pampered students are not the “Red Danes” of France in 1968. But Or-Lee Berlev, an activist who lives on crowdfunding by people who love activism, informs the world: “Thousands of students who went out to demonstrate on campuses this week will join the government demonstration on Saturday night. The leaders of the student protest announced that they will join the demonstrations in the street Kaplan in Tel Aviv, Jerusalem and Be’er Sheva, because this is a fight for our future.”

The organization “Looking for Conquest in the Eyes” was kicked out of the happening on Kaplan Street, and they will settle for something modest, which was supposed to take place yesterday at Sharona Mall in Tel Aviv. Arabs are bad for protest, it’s only for construction, manual labor, and behave well, yes? Left, it’s not at our school. Adi Argov reminded all the organizers on the networks of the simple truth. “There is no such thing as democracy with occupation, it is important to acknowledge that. I will be in Kaplan with Palestinian flags, to remind.”

She is from the “block against the occupation”. I have already lost count of how many protest organizations there are, because the hi-tech protest is active in the background with an open threat of leaving the country. High-tech gentlemen, one hour earlier. Why demonstrate in the streets? Go abroad, you have a required profession. Only before the flight will you explain to us what the point is, what the common goal is for everyone, because at least I’m confused.

The residents of the Darek Lake actually like demonstrations. They add color, even though they have stated that they will not allow the Darek representatives to speak in them. So Yahir Lapid announced that he would come, and so did Efrat Raiten, Naama Lazimi and Gilad Karib from Mapai. The presence of Agam Darek at protest events eradicates the concept of protest. When a pampered woman sits in a seat sewn from the skin of a deer, at a salary of more than 600 thousand shekels a year, With a bureau and advisers, they make the event sick. In the Darek Lake they are not able to protest, so on the street yes?

But their public determines their rating. Who is fine, who is not, who is important to come, who is very important to be absent. There are Zoom calls, Zoom lectures, discussion sessions and discussion groups. Of course, we also volunteer to organize the demonstration in front of the president’s residence tomorrow. People like to take pictures and tag, Or-Lee Barlev gives them the chance to tag her photos on social networks. Again, this is a happening, not a protest.

The workers of the Tifshurat industry are not protesting at all against the idea of ​​the Likud to eliminate the broadcasting corporation. Likud is not considering privatizing the corporation, only liquidating it. As the propaganda puppet of the 17th generation, Galit Distel-Atbarian, said: “Only eliminate, not privatize, because in privatization there is always a spillover to the left.” I can’t believe that this thing once worked in Tifshurat, even in a corporation.

Privatization is always left. Tipshurat Minister Shlomo Karai, an orthodox, follower of Baba-Boba Mazuz, is not ready for the corporation to finance original productions for NIS 400 million. Already in March-May with the implementation of the Settlements Law, he wants to take the fine and distribute it as he sees fit. For example, give a portion From the share to the Mirilashvili family, who own Channel 14, which was established as a heritage channel and became a right-wing propaganda channel. This is in contrast to the commercial channels that entered the tender and have since invested hundreds of millions in acquisitions and royalties. So Mr. Karai wants Channel 14 to produce series and documentaries, maybe even movies, who knows. There are series that I Very fond of original productions: “Tehran”, “Manaich” and more.

An episode of “Tehran” costs about 2 million shekels for the corporation, 24 million per season. This is the average price of an episode in the series, so no commercial entity is willing to bear these costs. They invest in reality with marketing content, sponsorships, and it turns out according to the ratings that “the people” like it, a fact. The cost of broadcasting the World Cup was millions of dollars. The production in Doha alone cost more than a million dollars, but the main cost is broadcast rights. Perhaps Karai also wants to take the sports broadcasts outsourced from the corporation – and give them to those close to the government.

But it is a fundamental mistake to blame Karai and Distel for the decision and support. Both of them have no idea in the field of production. The one who understands stupidity is Bibi. He is angry at the news department in the corporation, which is not ready to serve the government, let’s say North Korea. But for his perception and the perception of Hildez, who operates at least the Distal information/propaganda puppet, North Korea is beautiful, when news and investigations are broadcast.

The public broadcasting model exists in most democracies, at least in the ones I examined: the USA, Germany, England, France, Canada, the Scandinavian countries, Spain, Venezuela, the Netherlands, and even Russia. The purpose of public broadcasting is to ensure diversity and not just target audiences, without interference politically (not including Russia).

Karai is wrong in the definition of the corporation in the production of broadcasts that are not current affairs. The corporation is a broadcasting body, not managing the productions. They are selected in supervised tenders. The commercial channels are already regulated by the Second Authority Council, which sets the quotas for drama and docu productions, which are not included in the field of entertainment, which is always reality. But if Karai distributes public funds to the commercial channels to create original content, they will reduce their investments in the field, because there are gifts from the Minister of Stupidity. The two channels will not invest NIS 270 million in original productions. They strive for profit, not budget balance.

Karai does not understand, because he has not learned the reality, according to which there is no place for another commercial channel. For evidence, channel 10 that collapsed. Network 13 is not profitable either. Keshet 12 is indeed profitable. There is not enough advertising volume in Israel to allow three commercial channels to exist, even if they all produce reality shows. Then who will broadcast original productions, which do not generate high ratings? Since when does a public channel compete in ratings, when all its revenue from sponsorships is 100 million shekels a year? The corporation also has a budget of NIS 750 million – this amount may be higher than the budgets of Keshet 12 and Network 13 combined. But the local content market is not the main player in these channels. The corporation also has Arabic channel broadcasts, and radio broadcasts in many languages, both for Jews abroad, and for immigrants from abroad.

At the end of the food chain are hundreds of employees, some in their fifth or sixth decades of life, who will be fired from the corporation after already experiencing a crisis with the closure of the Broadcasting Authority. It is impossible to do vocational training at these ages, and live a reasonable life. And what will happen to thousands of creators and production houses, we are talking about thousands of workers, who may lose their livelihood, just because Bibi and Kraei have a great anger at a public corporation?

There is another channel in the corporation – here educational. Most of the public here grew up on these broadcasts, some of which also appear in school lesson plans. Not with the ultra-Orthodox, but there are other citizens here whose culture Krei and his baba-bubba, Mazuz, never knew.

This is what is happening in our Khatrialibeka. Every clown in Darak Lake has an ego. The absolute majority of the residents there are operated like a Nahum-Tacum doll by the Rais. No one counts the public, it’s always someone’s whim, a ruler’s desire to take revenge. To say that there is a future for young people here? This is an unanswered question, yet.

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