Ron Koffman: The Jewish people are facing another year of crime and evil

by time news

Soldiers who serve as security guards for worshippers, the holiday makers are mobilizing against Sinai, in Lake Darek they trade in everything nearby, and also the Gomid with the end of the fast on Yom Kippur, the Jewish people in Zion prepared for another year of crime and evil, cheating, fraud and what not. But I really had no expectation from this idolatry, which includes 26 hours of physical and mental torture, as a condition for pardon from heaven.

Of course, nothing has changed and will not change. In this framework, settlers want to visit Yosef’s tomb in what they have invented today as the hospice. There is a bit of a security problem with the site, so it is solved by leasing the security system as a private security company. Hello, Jama’a needs to pray, we are in a constant election campaign in recent years, so contrary to all intelligence estimates, security fighters are creating this delusion, so that the Minister of Defense and their commanders can enjoy themselves on the domes.

The settlers maintain absolute anarchy in the conflicts with the Palestinians inside their settlements knowing clearly that the IDF will receive all the repairs in the backyard. I would not have a problem if fighters were not required to intervene in the conflicts and whatever happens. A soldier does not enlist as a fighter to serve as a security guard for idolaters who want order A new world at IOSH. After all, the situation will change, and what is currently happening in Nablus and Jenin will also reach the conflict zones, with firearms. The confrontations will not be with stone throwers but with armed people at least as much as the settlers.

Who will be hurt in the battles that will take place? I don’t know, I really hope not fighters. You don’t enlist in a patrol to secure a defiant march in the captivity of Samaria, that’s obvious to everyone. But who exactly will compensate here? Not a brigadier general, not an Ogdoner and certainly not a Central Command commander. All of these have pretensions and ambitions to advance in their position, so if every such security operation has a price – sometimes also in the loss of lives of fighters – it is a price that is paid.

Maybe now the leadership of the Kippahs and the leadership of the Chaniuk will appreciate the gesture of Benny Gantz and not say about him, only for today of course: “You cannot join him, because he has no divine helper”, as if the Kippah and the Chaniuk have this help from God, only they have difficulty proving the helper, because God is not ready to send them a TikTok story that will be proof.

One of my favorite things is the cooperation of the tipshoret with commercial parties for marketing content, in order to create a negative public opinion about commercial competition. 100 thousand types, including me, crossed the border to China during the holidays. There are many reasons why and why, but the main one is to deceive the public Vacationers are in the hands of the hoteliers in Eilat. For a room for a couple and a child in Eilat, they must pay at least 1,000 euros per night and breakfast, while on Saturdays and holidays the breakfast is prepared a day or two before, and of course there are no omelettes and no espresso machine because the Baba-dolls are not impressive.

For 1,000 euros per night you can get a room in a luxury hotel in any of the most attractive cities in the world. There are no attractions in Eilat, there is nothing and nothing worth paying for. In Sinai, in hotels that are about 300 meters from the border in Taba, you pay NIS 2,500 for three days including three meals in five-star hotels, if you want a restaurant that is in the hotel complex, you pay 20 dollars – a quarter of the price demanded in Eilat – and there are no restrictions on cooking on weekends. The hotels do not have kosher supervisors, and there is no one who supervises what is cooked and who cooks; The child’s bed is not an agency bed that you have to be an Indian fakir to sleep in for an hour. There are actually many attractions. From the level and size of the pools, pools with sea water, amazing beaches to that sea of ​​Eilat, which for some reason the hoteliers think that only their stretch of beach is sacred.

So the situation puts a strain on the Jewish community in Eilat. Nevertheless, 100,000 heads, which in terms of the potential is possible and in terms of which at least 25-30% should have been engaged with them, instead of letting al-Sisi’s Arabs make a screwed-up Jewish lira. And with us in Kathrilevka, anxiety is one of the characteristics of the religion which is also the nationality, the trend may worsen and next year 150 thousand types will cross the border.

Okzur, what do we do? They use the threshing machines that operate the threshers in Tifshuret, to make the goods stink: in Sinai the food is not good, the sea is not good, the Egyptians and the Bedouins do not behave well to vacationers, the taxi drivers harass the Jewish tourist (as if this does not happen in Eilat and they do not charge 100 euros from tourists to Ramon Airport), And in general – it’s a shame to pay holy money to strangers. I missed some complaints about kosher, the lack of mikvehs for women and men and a synagogue in every hotel in Sinai, but that will probably happen in the second round of the spin.

By the way, I hope that the campaign will be successful and later this year the amount will be reduced by at least two-thirds, so that I can cross the border in ten minutes instead of 30 minutes.
At the same time, in a little while, we will see a return on the investment of the tipshoret through wide-scale advertising, including marketing content in 12-minute articles financed by the hoteliers, with all the bodies that cooperated in the protection of the holy Eilat.

There are elections here in two weeks. The air stinks and is filthy from the foul-smelling mouth emissions of the residents of Darak Lake from all directions and currents. There is no right mouth and no left mouth. There is pure narcissism here of all kinds of types who want to rule: Bibi, Lapid and Gantz, and there are bunches of hitchhikers and swindlers, especially on the public purse, who strive to cling like leeches to whoever will succeed in putting together a Goelitziya. So there is Goelizioni money, appointments to close associates, a huge fortune to spend, it is possible and even recommended to forget about all commitments to the voters, it is allowed to cheat, molest and abuse the weak and the underprivileged. But it’s another two weeks of suffering, where everything that moves is traded: IDF martyrs, security and public money.

Cracked with victims. A soldier and a soldier fell this week while performing their duties. In both cases, the death could possibly have been prevented, if the commanding echelon had been more vigilant and less dismissive. In both incidents, the IDF did not respond to the shooting. The failure is more noticeable in the march, when the security force was the Givat patrol. A terrorist arrives, shoots, but no one shoots at him with the aim of killing him. We are infected with too much arrogance, confident in our power to defeat any terrorist gang in the area. I don’t even want to think about what will happen when we face a skilled fighting force, like Hezbollah for example, which has acquired a high level of skill in Syria.

Mr. Samochkne, a type of general who studied law instead of serving for three years (he enlisted at the age of 28 for only 16 months, he was a clerk’s assistant in Kirya), had something to say about the soldier’s fall, because Samochkne, to the armies of my lord, is a great commander who fought Many times in the face of a cruel enemy: “The laxity of Gantz and Lapid costs us blood in all sectors. Go! The people of Israel deserve a different leadership that works to eliminate terrorism. A leadership that believes in our right to the land and fulfills its duty to protect our soldiers and citizens. Gantz and Lapid are a burning failure and the price is painful every”.

Now to verify. It is possible that Gantz and Lapid are a serious failure, I will not vote for them or for anyone else, because Lake Darek is the greatest danger that exists in the State of Israel according to any measure of criticism, especially criminal corruption, in my opinion. But we should remember the alternative that Samochkne was an integral part of, also as a member of the Security-Political Cabinet: Was there no terrorism? Were there no martyrs and civilian victims? Didn’t we bribe Hamas with hundreds of millions of dollars of Qatari money? Israel was like Seychelles or Solomon Islands? Who is the righteous one deceiving with the kip’lah, a dodger who understands everything? And what will happen when he is in power? Will he disguise himself as Yoav Ben Tzarouia and deal with Palestinian terrorism? Because he has much more than just an idea about Jewish terrorism.

Another event in which Lake Darek was involved was Israel’s economic waters, which were handed over to Hezbollah, mercifully. I don’t know what exactly is economic in these waters, even if gas were discovered and even if the French company would pay us billions of euros for Israel’s share. How much does a day of fighting cost in Lebanon, regardless of the water that is currently just water? I listened attentively to champions in the military from the right and the left and others who believe that this agreement will guarantee peace for a significant period.
But the big strategic mistake of Yahir Lapid was to give up on the Darek Lake in the process of approving the agreement. He already had the “no” from the opposition, which is maddened with anger at the lack of government, but perhaps he would have obtained a majority for “yes”?

And in the worst case, the Dragon Lake would reject the agreement, in complete opposition to the demand of the Americans. What would happen if Bibi came to power? Nothing and nothing. A dramatic movie would open with the Biden administration for the next two years, a little education series would only benefit us. Bibi is Abdaei only in front of the TV cameras, he would not go to war with Hezbollah. The man has yet to win a war as a warlord and ended up in a heavy-casualty draw with the Hamas gang, which has a game-breaking weapon in the form of cardboard missiles.

But it’s really nonsense, the best part is the part where the losers write messages to Likud activists, and it’s really a sit-down tragedy that wants to be a stand-up comedy. All the speakers chosen to bash Likud ignore Bibi’s failures against Hamas and Hezbollah, including the gestures he made for these two terrorist organizations. Everyone also forgets that in security matters, Bibi did not share the collection of zeros under his leadership, including his defense minister, in the purchase of the submarines and defense ships for the gas rigs, because “it was a secret.”

He also did not share with the public the corona discussions in the transitional government under his leadership, but ensured the 30-year confidentiality of the protocols of all the members of the collection of zeros, just so that we would not know about the price of the DNA databases that we paid to get the vaccines. But economic water is very important to Likud, out of fear That this government will have some achievement before the elections.

Cracked in “Gifted”, Miri Regev. “Now it is clear why Lapid flew many times to France, quietly under the radar. Without Shin Bet, without security, alone. Lapidistan. The bride of the deal with Hezbollah is the French oil company Total, which works continuously with Iran, and was accused as early as 1997 of paying bribes to the heads of the Iranian regime. Total is a conduit for laundering our money to Hezbollah and Iran.”

Wow, how come after this tweet Lapid was not arrested for questioning with a warning? After all, this is the gifted Miri, a reporter and censor, a former Brigadier General in the IDF, accusing the Prime Minister of spying, with strong evidence: he traveled alone, the Shin Bet didn’t know, with no security at all… shhh… lol… If it wasn’t sad, it would be funny. I look forward to the day she is our Secretary of State. She will be much loved in the world, she also speaks English wonderfully. Seeing her speak in Congress would be a hoot.

And we have another one who wants to be Miri when she grows up, Galit Distel Atbarian. “It is clear to you that today’s top security officials are the bogey Ya’alon, Ehud Barak and Beni Gantz of the future, yes? Imagine them standing on a bridge and shouting ‘Go’ in a budget pension accent and then you will understand – everything is political. Including their investigation of dubious agreements with Hezbollah”.

So this woman, who has already lied in the past about the issue of two Sapir Prize wins, forgets who appointed all these senior officials. Dedi Barnea Ramsad, Aviv Kochavi Chief of Staff, Ronan Bar Rashbak and Eyal Hulta head of MAL were senior members of the system also during Bibi’s time. Gantz, Barak and Ya’alon were defense ministers under Bibi. Why doesn’t GDA write some book about these appointments of the man she admires so much? This might be her third Sapir award, isn’t it a shame to waste time on Twitter?

But a tenant-in-the-making at the next Lake Darek, Amichai Eliyahu, really made my week with his level of protection on Shabbat. Amichai, the son of Rabbi Shmuel Eliyahu, who is dealing with Jewish power, will fit the Darek Lake like a surgeon’s glove. After Merav Michaeli promised to inaugurate the matron last Saturday, he tweeted a very enlightened tweet. “Whoever bought a child on Amazon will not educate us about tolerance and will not impose her values ​​on us. The people of Israel will continue to respect the Sabbath.” Because of an ignorant primitive and with the countries like Amichai, every secular must cancel the nationality clause in his passport. An Israeli is enough, you don’t need a Jew, because a Jew is like an Amichai. “Bought a child on Amazon”…

I wish this Tempit would learn first hand what it is to “buy a child on Amazon”. The pain of adopting a child in an exhausting, expensive and arduous process in the full sense of the word, it’s a shame that Amichai and I breathe the same air in the Land of Israel. This man is going to change our lives with legislation. Another crucial reason why not to vote for Lake Darak.

This week we also had a defining event like the Tel Aviv football derby on the eve of the holiday. A disgraceful failure of all the parties involved in the supervision of professional football in Israel, who have completely collapsed. The police chiefs at the event looked like in the movies of Louis de Pines, the policemen functioned like the policeman Azoulay. Dozens of multi-colored flares, throwing footballs on the grass to disrupt the game, violence, racist chants, we had it all. This is not the first time, nor the last. A body or bodies in such an event is only a matter of time. The festivities in Miron were also treated with demonstrable disdain, everyone knows how it ended. There aren’t enough senior penguins to represent the entire pile of warned when they come to trial.

It will be the same in football. The answer and solution to violence is enforcement in the stands of skilled forces. In France, the gendarmerie officers enter and forcefully evacuate the rioters. If you need to shoot tear gas into the stands, so is Greece. In Germany, all the stands are covered with special nets to prevent objects and flares from being thrown.
In Israel the police are not allowed to enforce. Agam Darek established committees, which, as expected, worsened the situation. The chairman of the administration of the professional football leagues, Erez Kalfon, stated about two years ago about the purchase of networks from the German model.

After the derby this week, he said that in a few months it will be normal for such networks. The regulation is in the field of firefighting, the network must be fireproof. Maccabi Tel Aviv in basketball installed such a net that passed all standards, in the derby at the end of last season. The cost was marginal, around NIS 20,000 including testing of the standards. But Calphon is convinced that we are mentally challenged, that’s why he tells us stories about government offices. If he had informed us in writing And in front of cameras to the Ministry of Taxation and the Economy for stopping the activity until the network’s normality is confirmed, it would be organized in two days, because this is our state. What government of a collection of zeroes will reach the elections without the existence of soccer leagues?

But as in sleazy politics, we are surrounded and managed by charlatans who never stop deceiving us. And we deserve it, because we agree.
Happy holiday to all idolaters in Sukkot, even to those who decided that they had enough with Baba-dolls instructions on how to live.

On Nefesh in football continues as usual. New year, nothing has changed.

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