Ronen Morley has been named captain of the federation team

by time news

The new professional program of the Tennis Association has been launched, and after the election of Tomer Dank to the new professional director at the beginning of the week, the senior and esteemed tennis coach, Ronen Morley, has been appointed captain of the Israel Federation team. As part of his role, Morley will also be in charge of the women’s and young women’s reserve team.

Morley has been a tennis coach for over 30 years, previously coaching the Davis team, coaching at the Wingate Institute National Academy in the 1990s and mentoring Andy Ram, Yoni Erlich, Harel Levy, Noam Okon and Amir Hadad, among others. In the past year, Morley has been on the coaching staff of Lina Glushko, Israel’s senior tennis player, who during this period jumped about 300 places in the world rankings into the top 400. Last May, Morley also won the “State Honor Coach” award at a ceremony held at the President’s House.

Alongside Morley, Sandra Wasserman will serve as the team’s coach, a role she has performed at recent federation meetings. Morley’s first task will be as early as next April in the House 2 tournament of the Billy Jin King Cup (formerly the Federation Cup), which will take place in Finland, after two years without games in this framework due to the Corona.

As is well known, the Tennis Association is currently completing the construction of the new professional program, in collaboration with the Achievement Sports Unit and the Ministry of Sports. As part of the program, emphasis will be placed on promoting young players, becoming professional players and integrating them into the various teams. Morley’s appointment joins the appointment of the union’s professional director and marks the beginning of the program’s implementation.

Avi Peretz, Chairman of the Tennis Association: “We are delighted with the return of Ronen Morley after many years to the new professional program. Ronen is an important and additional tier in the strategic change of the Tennis Association and he brings with him vast knowledge and extensive professional experience from the years he worked with our best tennis players and he will contribute greatly to returning Israeli tennis to the forefront of the international stage. We are happy that the professional program has been launched and additional appointments of valuable and positive professionals are expected for whom tennis in Israel is important. “

Ronen Morley“Representing the team for me is one of the highlights of my professional career and I am very happy to return and contribute from my experience to build. The last time I was part of the team was in 2009 as the Davis team coach and one of my most important values ​​is rooted value, being connected to the country and playing for the flag. “Forming the team, strengthening team value and building a foundation of healthy competitiveness based on empathy.”

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