Roni Dalumi for knitwear: “I went through a crisis, a bad time”

by time news

Hadas Sivan, legendary Miriam, Knitted News01.03.22 18:18 28 Adar A. Tishpev

Roni Dalumi for knitwear:

(Photo: Ella Barak)

Roni Dalumi Broke into our lives 13 years ago, and since then she has not stopped working. She has acted in dozens of theater plays and released albums, and now she is releasing a new song called “Despite”, in which she shares that she went through a very difficult personal crisis.

I went through a crisis

Ahead of the song’s release, Dalumi told us about the crisis that caused her to write the song, the difficulty in the days of Star Born, and what helps her deal with everything.

“I had a bad time” Ronny shares, “I told it to realize a few people who were around me at the time, and thank God for the psychology I used. I very, very much kept it inside. In the song I choose a bit to open my heart. It’s a song that is a bit beyond, “A moment where I let them love me in spite and I work on making them love me, in spite.”

Are you talking about something from the past or something that belongs to today’s Ronnie?

“It happened a few years ago.”

Doesn’t it scare you to ever make such a statement? It’s very exposed

“On the one hand it’s stressful, and on the other hand it’s more stressful for me not to do it. I think there’s a statement here that comes right from the bottom of my heart, and maybe it can open my heart to someone else to love themselves, though. I can not keep it inside and regret not. “I took it out. I would have been more sorry if I had not taken it out.”

This song was written for a man, not for yourself. How does your spouse react to such statements?

“The text has been romanticized. I think if there is one person who loves me despite and without effort, it is Alon (her partner H.S.).”

What helps you?

Who was the song actually written for?

“Wow that’s a good question. Someone exists in my life, close to me, who knew what I was going through and knew I was not sharing it. It hurt him.”

(Photo: Ella Barak)

In fact, in the song you say ‘I went through something, it hurts me and yet I do not share you’.

“I’m already one foot out there, now I’m able to share it and drop my heart a bit.”

In such times of crisis, as happens to all of us, what are the things that help you open your eyes and heart and reach such places, as you put out in the song?

“Good friends and good people around me. Support centers I could lean on and help. I went to a psychologist, and it’s important for me to say that it helped me a lot. Thank God and Freud. It’s not such a matter of going to treatment anymore. Sometimes I think what would have happened if I had been born 50 years ago “It helped me maintain my routine, go to rehearsals, sing and dance.”

You play a lot in the theater. Do you feel that in terms of schedule it comes at the expense of your music?

“In recent years I have made a choice that is to focus on theater. Yes I put out music, but I was less present there. Now I hope it starts to balance out.”

Along with Mickey rises in the musical Mama Mia (Photo: Or Danon)

In 10 years you will see yourself both in the theater and on stage, filling halls?

“Unequivocally. It’s part of me. Right now I do not see myself giving up on any of them.”

Back to the Star Born

The song was born out of a reconnection with Amos Ben David, from the days of Kochav Nolad. Where did this renewed connection with him come from?

“I felt like I wanted to deal with more personal and exposed materials. I realized that the person I want to go this way with is busy. He is really a rare, empathetic and inclusive person. I learn so much from him, he is inspired by the very person he is and the musician he is.”

Roni Dalumi alongside Komi Marimi, who covets with her in the theater (Photo: Itzik Biran)

“I remember that 12 years ago, when I was a real chick, this (‘Star Born’ HS) was a place where you were nominated for dismissal every week, and it really instilled in me calmness and creative joy.”

Because of Amos’ presence there, is the song different in the level of processing and production?

“The fact that he is on my way now is very significant for the new music. I feel it is a milestone for my development. I do not know what will happen and if it will succeed, but I do feel that it is a major part of my development.”


Roni Dalumi will host the Karkokli sisters in a festive performance this coming Friday at 4.3 noon, at Zappa Herzliya.

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