Rosa Peral’s lawyer says that people talk about her because of her “morbidity” and that she was judged as a ‘femme fatale’

by time news

2023-09-28 21:51:36

Albert López’s lawyer believes that “the jury tiptoed around the truth and did not see it”


The lawyer of Rosa Peral, the one convicted of killing the Urban Guard agent Pedro R. along with the urban Albert López in 2017, Olga Arderiu, has assured that the accused is being talked about because of “morbidity” and that the sin was judged, the ‘femme fatale’, and her unnecessary sexual relations during the trial.

He said this during the conference ‘The crime of the Guardia Urbana’, presented by the president of the Criminal Law Section of the Barcelona Bar Association, Clara Martínez, together with Pedro R.’s lawyer, Juan Carlos Zayas, and the Albert López’s lawyer, José Luis Bravo.

“I think what society thinks is that they only have the possibility of being victims. They don’t think that one day for X reasons they may be accused, or their family or friends, and then they will ask that their rights be respected,” he said. added Arderiu.

He explained that, without the trial having begun, media opinion said he was guilty: “How can we preserve the innocence of these people?”

He has also detailed that during the trial it was commented that Peral had given Pedro medication to put him to sleep around 10 pm, and that, around 3 pm, Albert and Rosa killed him: “All this was absolutely weak and was not enough. So many hours asleep with the risk that he could wake up? It seems quite illogical to me.

He has criticized that, in his opinion, this trial began in reverse and they worked to “find the guilt” of the accused, and has stated that in the room where Pedro R. had allegedly died they found drops of blood, but it has not been possible to to know if he was hit on the head with a blunt object or if he had been stabbed.

“Everything is a hypothesis in the end. To what extent can we sentence so many years in prison with hypotheses without really knowing what happened?” Arderiu asked, and explained that Peral, to this day, continues to maintain his innocence. .


For his part, the lawyer of Albert López – the other accused -, José Luis Bravo, has literally stated that the sentences never contain an absolute truth, they only come close to the truth: “I think the jury tiptoed around the truth and did not see it.”

“I believe that critical sense was lacking on many occasions, because the sentence handed down does contain proven elements, but it contains a lot of stuffing of facts that are not duly proven, but that contain logic,” he added.


Before the trial, he explained that he addressed the jury and warned them that the case was “not a play or a movie,” and asked them to forget everything they had heard about the case, because the trial was celebrated three years after the events and, according to him, there was already a general opinion.

“Is common sense enough to judge a person or a crime? I think it is something very complicated. It is about differentiating what is an indication from a suspicion and speculation,” Bravo explained.


Pedro R.’s defense, Juan Carlos Zayas, has said that he believes that the two versions, “which were also contradictory, could not convince the jury that these indications could be interpreted in a different way from how they had interpreted them.”

He explained that in jury trials the investigation phase is lengthened, just like the trials, because lawyers and prosecutors have to do “more reflections and explanations” so that the nine citizens who make up the jury understand the procedure.

Zayas has stated that, during the trials, the court does not have the interrogation that has been carried out during the investigation phase of the witnesses or the accused, and has expressed that if they had them “it would be easier.”

“Is it so useful for the preservation of the jury that the proceedings are not sent to the jury office? At the very least, the presiding judges would have to have the proceedings. This way, perhaps, we would also save time.”

He has detailed that the law says that if at the end of a trial the presiding magistrate of the court sees that there is not enough evidence of the accusation, he can dissolve the jury: “If the magistrate did not dissolve the jury in this trial, he understood that there was evidence of the accusation to condemn.”


In 2020, the Barcelona Court sentenced Rosa Peral to 25 years in prison and the other Urban Police officer, Albert López, to 20 for the murder.

The sentence states, as the jury considered proven, that Peral and López considered that Pedro R. “for various reasons, hindered their relationship” and that is why they killed him and burned the body inside Pedro R.’s car the night after the crime. on a forest track next to the Foix reservoir.

#Rosa #Perals #lawyer #people #talk #morbidity #judged #femme #fatale

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