Rosario La Tremendita, as if she had taken lime

by time news

2023-10-07 01:41:42

The third of the eight meetings proposed in the 27th Flamenco Fridays of the Barakaldo Theater, the first hosted in the basement amphitheater, which was more than three-quarters full (more than 100 souls), has been the best so far in the cycle. There is no doubt after the fiasco of the inauguration with the three voices of La Prenda Roja (lacking electronics, they shipwrecked unsafely) and the conceptual error of the deconstructed ballet ‘Origen’. Indeed, the momentary zenith was provided this Friday by the gypsy Rosario La Tremendita (Triana, Seville, 1984), great-granddaughter of Enriqueta ‘La Pescaera’ (whom she referred to in the concert), great-niece of ‘La Gandinga de Triana ‘, daughter of José ‘El Tremendo’ and sister of José Javier ‘El Tremendo Hijo’.

Rosario began insecure but soon claimed to have calmed down (“I was here many years ago with another concept, another way. This place calms me down, because I am very nervous and here I feel as if I had taken lime,” she confessed), she performed in a duet with the guitarist Joselito Acedo (“you’re very pretty,” he suddenly flattered her, “he’s always been in love with me,” she replied; the Trianera had already informed us before: “she’s from my neighborhood, we’ve been playing together for 20 or 25 years.” ), and exceeded expectations, since we went with some caution due to the error in the official program, which announced a flamenco and electric guitar duo, although she is a bassist and singer.

11 songs were played in 95 minutes, in general well resolved, however there was a certain dispersion and she did not attack some songs with the same confidence, although the public connected, applauded her and cheered her (bravo, how wonderful…) with uncritical enthusiasm (the second biggest ovation he received it after a not very well intoned but recognized ‘A tu vera’). The Sevillian reported that she would present her electric album ‘Tremenda. Principle and origin’ (2022; MIN Independent Music Award for Best Flamenco Album in 2022, which was already shown in Bilbao during the last BIME, in October 2022), a double album with two different parts, one with the songs traditional and another with the same but reinforced with electronics (sometimes very Rosalía) and recharged with various, often vain, effects.

La Tremendita and Joselito Acedo in ‘The Girl with the Polka Dots’. OC

Simplifying, it can be said that La Tremendita began with a strong Estrella Morente style and ended up drifting towards the darker trail of her father Enrique Morente. He started with tarantas better than Estrella’s (‘Oye mi voz’, with nods to Pepe Marchena, he explained), he put on the bass to fuse better than Las Migas and La Prenda Roja in ‘Romería’ (a melting pop with tributes to Morante and Lorca, for bambera and fandango, emulating the atmosphere of the pilgrimages), and reached the peak of the entire evening in Pepe Marchena’s milonga, with coplera parts sung as Martirio.

Rosario had a microphone attached to her cheek, she was sitting on a red flamenco cajon that was percussing sporadically, she alternated the bass with her hands free, wore platforms, sported tattoos and showed half her skull shaved and the other half with long hair. He explained quite a few pieces, such as ‘The Golden Shell’, a poem by Elise Cowen, of the Beat Generation, about addiction (“purer than heroin…”), or the bulerías with “little pieces of couplets that my two grandmothers used to sing to me.” girl, and thank God I still have them alive.

She then performed in the bulerías of Cádiz, for seguiriyas she sank into the lysergic like Morente Sr. (‘My Lover’), La Tremendita surpassed herself in the romance ‘La Niña de los Moles’, she grabbed the bass once again in « a beautiful guajira” like ‘Los encantes’ (which resonated with Mayte Martín), the somberness came in the Triana tangos, very tribal as he defined them (“don’t mess with the babe / the babe has a knife for anyone who gets involved” with her”, as her grandfather sang to her), and ended with meta-flamenco, citing myths like Pepe Marchena or Antonio Chacón in ‘Romance del Silencio’.

#Rosario #Tremendita #lime

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