Rossi (Simg), ‘anti-Zoster vaccine prevents cerebral stroke after infection’

by time news

2023-05-25 14:52:46

“For several years we have known that Herpes zoster is revealing itself as a risk factor also for cerebrovascular and cardiovascular complications. Recent studies confirm the increase in the probability of having a cerebral stroke among those who have an episode of Herpes zoster: a possibility that occurs over time, even 12 years after infection. These are new data that support the need for preventive intervention, therefore the use of vaccination to protect categories at risk by age, therefore over 65, chronically ill people, people with diabetes, patients with COPD and heart failure, immunocompromised. The tool we have at our disposal is the adjuvanted recombinant vaccine, the only one authorized to prevent complications that can be very annoying for these patients”. Thus Alessandro Rossi, head of acute pathologies of the Italian Society of General Medicine (Simg), on the sidelines of the press conference entitled “Herpes Zoster and cardiovascular risk”, promoted today in Rome, with the non-conditioning contribution of Gsk.

According to the expert, it is essential to raise awareness among the population but also general practitioners in the area who “must commit to identifying the most exposed patients”. For this reason, Simg “has long been at the forefront of training on adult vaccinations, including anti-zoster vaccination – explains Rossi – with numerous activities, including information. For the selection of patients we have a system available within our databases which helps us, through supports, to select the patient at risk, summon him to the offices of family doctors to subject him to immunization”. The anti-zoster vaccine is “free, as it is included in the Lea, in the National Vaccine Prevention Plan – concludes Rossi – for all the over 65s, for chronic patients, diabetics, heart patients, COPD patients and for the immunocompromised from 18 years of age of age,” he concludes.

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