Rotary Club San Juan de Machalí invites young people and adults to join its ranks > El Rancagüino

by time news

Rotary International recently completed a new year of life, adding 118 at the service of others and making a presence in more than 200 countries. And in this commemoration, the Rotary Club San Juan de Machalí did not want to subtract from this date and invited those who are interested, young people and adults, to join their ranks and work for the common good of the communities.

“Give of oneself without thinking of oneself” is the motivating phrase that on February 23, 1905 in Chicago, Illinois, United States, the lawyer Paul Harris, imagined when founding the Rotary organization, moved with the idea that, through the friendship and ties of camaraderie, professionals from different areas, will provide humanitarian aid in their societies, always under high ethical standards, contributing to foster goodwill and peace among nations.

From its creation until today, Rotary International has worked on different problems such as illiteracy, poverty, famines and its special dedication to the eradication of Polio. This is how María Alondra Campos, president of said club, tells us. “Chile also has Rotary clubs distributed in districts and in our area, the San Juan de Machalí Rotary Club is one of them. This club, made up of 14 members with different professions and occupations, dedicate their time to organizing projects that solve problems in their community,” she indicated.

In addition, Rotary has the so-called ROTARAC, which is the group of young people between the ages of 18 and 30 who have the same motivations to become leaders, and who, like many Rotarians, seek to serve and contribute in their environments, explained the representative. . That is why she took the opportunity to invite them to belong to this group to work for others. Below are images of the activities they have been doing as Rotarians, as well as the participation of young people in ROTARAC.

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