ROVERETO. The prevention and repression action by the Carabinieri of the Rovereto Company continues to guarantee safety for citizens and stem the spread of illicit activities.
Recently the activity has also been intensified with the presence of the Mobile Station, to all intents and purposes a real office on four wheels – supporting the neighborhood police – and with a specific service dedicated to the control of local, urban public transport and extra-urban.
In fact, it is not uncommon for a few weeks for one to notice police patrols carrying out checks at bus stops but also on board them, both with the aim of prevention but also of repression of any criminal episodes or even “only” to identify individuals of operational interest.
This constant control activity of the territory has led in recent days to the identification of a man reported in a state of freedom by the Carabinieri of the Rovereto Station Command for “threatening a person in charge of a public service” and for “interrupting public service”.
The facts date back to a few weeks ago when a bus driver of the Trentino Trasporti urban line, while traveling along a central street in the city, was the protagonist of an unpleasant incident which arose when a passenger without a ticketwhen asked to get off public transport, has flew into a rage, raising his voice, scaring the other passengers and threatening the driver. Added to this was the delay of the public service which delayed its run, accumulating delays at all the stops scheduled along the route.
After an expeditious investigation, the Carabinieri identified a man who was then reported to the Rovereto Public Prosecutor’s Office to whom he will have to answer for the crimes of “threat against a person in charge of a public service” and “interruption of a public service”.
The activity of the Benemerita men continues in the city of Rovereto and throughout the Vallagarina area through an incessant action of prevention and repression of crimes, aimed at guaranteeing safety for the community.
By the principle of the presumption of innocence, the guilt of the persons subjected to investigation in relation to the events being prosecuted is to be considered definitively ascertained only following an irrevocable criminal sentence or decree of conviction.