Royal Family Drama: Crown Princess Mette-Marit’s Son Under Investigation for Assault and Vandalism

by time news

The son of Crown Princess Mette-Marit has been interrogated in Oslo on Tuesday evening, confirms Police Inspector Henriette Taxt Røstadli in a brief update to the press.

She does not wish to comment further on Tuesday evening.

“He has been interviewed this afternoon, but he is not finished being questioned. We aim for new interrogations when it suits all parties,” says defense lawyer Øyvind Bratlien to NRK.

Høiby is charged with vandalism, bodily harm, and threats against an offended woman.

The incident occurred in an apartment in Frogner on August 4.

Høiby admitted in a statement to NRK on August 14 to using violence while under the influence of cocaine.

“Last weekend something happened that should never have happened. I committed bodily harm and destroyed objects in an apartment while intoxicated with alcohol and cocaine after an argument,” Høiby began his written statement to the press.

Høiby was originally supposed to be interrogated last week, but this interrogation was postponed after his lawyer was unable to attend.

“We have been waiting a long time for this”

The woman’s assistance lawyer Mette Yvonne Larsen says her client appreciates that Høiby has now been interrogated.

“We are very happy that Høiby has now been interrogated. We have been waiting for this for a long time, and my client appreciates it,” she says to NRK.

“What does your client think about the fact that it has taken so long to conduct the interview?”

“Yes, it has taken a long time, but that is also due to circumstances beyond Høiby’s control, as I understand it.”

Larsen adds that they will attempt to schedule a new interview with the offended party next week.

This is why NRK mentions the charges against Marius Borg Høiby

Under investigation for multiple violence allegations

In addition to the charges of vandalism and bodily harm, Høiby is being investigated for abuse in intimate relationships against his two ex-girlfriends, Nora Haukland and Juliane Snekkestad.

John Christian Elden, who is Nora Haukland’s assistance lawyer, says they are eager to learn the content of the interview.

“We are eager about the content, whether he has taken responsibility, or if the case will continue with witness interviews and evidence gathering that prolongs the matter,” he writes in a text message to NRK.

Juliane Snekkestad’s assistance lawyer Petter Grødem emphasizes that he does not know the details of what Høiby has now been interrogated about.

“It has been a burden waiting to see how he stands in relation to her case, and we have been waiting for the interrogation,” he says to NRK.

Snekkestad herself is scheduled for a new interrogation on Wednesday.

Høiby was also reported for the theft of a scooter on August 7.

27.08.2024, at 20.02

27.08.2024, at 22.31

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