RSA recipients will receive “pre-filled forms” in 2024

by time news

The family allowance funds “will automatically send pre-filled forms” for RSA and activity bonus requests “from 2024”, the first stage of the “solidarity at source” project intended to fight against non-recourse aid, according to the Minister of Solidarity Jean-Christophe Combe, Wednesday.

As is already the case for the tax return, pre-filled forms will be sent “for requests concerning the RSA, the activity bonus or other”, specifying, “depending on their known situation, the benefits to which these people are entitled, ”said the minister in an interview with Les Échos.

“You will still have to apply for it, but it will be much simpler. This will reduce non-recourse linked to ignorance of rights, but also fraud and undue payment,” explains the Minister. “The last step, between now and the end of the five-year term, will consist in harmonizing the bases for calculating the resources used to calculate the rights, in order to make our system more incentive for the resumption of activity”, he continues.

The floor rate for home helpers revalued

He also indicated that the government “would support” a cross-partisan parliamentary amendment “in the Social Security financing bill (PLFSS) providing for” indexing to inflation in the future “the floor rate for health services. ‘home help.

“We are going to raise the floor rate for home help services. This was introduced this year, at 22 euros. We propose to increase it to 23 euros in 2023 to take inflation into account. A cross-party parliamentary amendment further provides for it to be indexed to inflation in the future,” he said.

“We will also support the amendments on the extension of interim management measures to the medico-social sector and those aimed at strengthening the control tools in nursing homes”.

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