“RSV”, the deadly virus that parents should know Respiratory disease in children that should not be overlooked

by time news

virus “RSV” (RSV Virus) is an infection. virus one called Respiratory Syncytial Virus is a virus that causes Respiratory disease This causes the body to produce large amounts of secretions such as sputum. The virus is spread through coughing or sneezing. The patient had initial symptoms similar to a cold, namely: Headache, fever, cough, sneezing, runny nose found someone infected with the virus “RSV” can be at any age, but is found in child and infant which is the age that is often born severe symptoms and Complications can

symptoms of viral infection “RSV”Usually, patients will show symptoms 4-6 days after being exposed to the virus. Adults and older children often experience flu-like symptoms, including: Nasal congestion, runny nose, low fever, headache, dry cough, sore throat. virus “RSV” can develop into severe disease can result in problems in the lower respiratory tract, such as pneumonia, bronchiolitis etc., especially in patients with heart problems or chronic lung disease. and includes the following symptoms

– have a fever

– severe cough

– Wheezing

– rapid breathing or difficulty breathing causing patients to prefer sitting rather than lying

– The mouth or nails are dark green from lack of oxygen.

Usually, symptoms of viral infection “RSV” In older children and adults it improves after 1-2 weeks of treatment, but in small children and infant After 2-8 days of exposure to the virus, symptoms may be more severe. The symptoms were found as follows.

– Anorexia

– breathing faster than usual

– Wheezing, difficulty breathing

– Sneezing, coughing, fever, runny nose

– Easily irritable or lethargic

child or infantwith the following symptoms You should see a doctor immediately.

– suffer from dehydration Noticed that when crying, there will be no tears coming out.

– Cough and mucus that is gray, green or yellow

– Difficulty breathing, breathing faster than usual or panting

– A sticky mucus makes it difficult to breathe.

– Fingertips or mouth turn dark green from lack of oxygen

baby boy who have a fever higher than 38 degrees Celsius, lethargy, loss of appetite, or a rash You should see your doctor for an evaluation of your symptoms.

virus infection “RSV” (Respiratory Syncytial Virus) caused by exposure to secretions of infected persons by virus Enter the body through the eyes, nose, mouth, or direct contact with the infection by hand. In Thailand, the virus is often found. “RSV” often during the rainy season and winter Viruses can live outside the body for hours on various objects. and is easily spread through coughing or sneezing.

Groups of people at risk of viral infection “RSV” with severe symptoms, including: baby boy premature birth People who have problems with the system immunity People with lung and heart problems People who live in slum areas or the elderly aged 65 years and over

viral infection diagnosis “RSV”

viral infection diagnosis “RSV” The doctor will examine the patient’s physical condition first. Then use a hearing aid. (Stethoscope) to listen for whistling in the respiratory system. working sound lungs or abnormal sounds from other parts of the body, and your doctor may use the following methods in making a diagnosis:

– Blood oxygen saturation (Pulse Oximetry) to check oxygen levels

– Check the number of white blood cells, check for viruses, bacteria or other foreign bodies.

– chest x-ray to check for pneumonia

– Check for virus from nasal secretions

viral infection treatment “RSV”

viral infection treatment “RSV” Most are symptomatic treatment. and support for better breathing However, in severe cases, treatment is required at the hospital. Initially, care and treatment at home are as follows:

– increase the humidity of the air for a better respiratory system The air humidity should not exceed 50 percent to prevent the growth of bacteria and mold in the air.

– Sit or lie down in a position that is comfortable for breathing, such as sitting upright, not wrapped up, using pillows that are not too soft or hard.

– Drink a lot of water because water will help make the stuffy substances such as phlegm or mucus not too sticky. and does not interfere with the functioning of the respiratory system

– Use nasal drops to help reduce swelling of the nose The nose may be rinsed with saline and aspirated to clear the airway.

– taking drugs in the acetaminophen group (acetaminophen) to reduce fever

In severe cases or in young children, hospitalization may be necessary. Your doctor may also use other forms of treatment, including:

– Take antibiotics in case the patient has bacterial complications such as symptoms. pneumonia from bacteria

– Use a bronchodilator to relieve wheezing and sucking phlegm when there is a lot of sticky sputum to make the airway open

– Your doctor may use epinephrine. (Epinephrine) to dilate the airways and reduce swelling of the airways.

– The doctor may give oxygen. Or wear a breathing device if you are experiencing hypoxia or respiratory failure.

Complications of viral infection “RSV”

Complications from viral infections “RSV” in patients with infant Premature birth, young children, people with problems with the immune system. People with lung and heart problems are at greater risk of complications, resulting in:

pneumonia or bronchiolitis The virus travels from the upper respiratory tract, including the nose, throat, and mouth, down to the lower respiratory tract. until causing inflammation in the lungs or airways Severe symptoms were found in baby child immunocompromised people or people with chronic lung or heart problems

– middle ear infection Caused by infection into the area behind the eardrum cause otitis It is more common in infants and children.

asthma The infection may have long-term effects, leading to asthma patients in the future.

– re-infection Once infected will always be re-infected again. But the symptoms may not be as severe as the first infection. Often found in the form of cold symptoms. But it may be more severe in elderly patients or people with lung and heart problems.

virus infection prevention “RSV”

virus infection prevention “RSV” At present, Thailand does not have vaccine Protect, but everyone in the family helps each other to act. To prevent infection and prevent the spread of infection as follows:

– Wash your hands thoroughly, wash your hands often, such as before meals. after going to the bathroom, etc.

– Avoid exposing premature babies and infants in the first 1-2 months of age to people who are infected, such as those who have a fever or cold.

– Always clean the house to reduce the spread of infection especially used tissues Should be disposed of in a sealed trash bin.

– Do not share a glass of water with other people. You should use your own glass of water. and avoid using a glass of water that the patient has used.

– Avoid smoking Babies who inhale tobacco smoke are at risk for infection. virus “RSV” and found more severe symptoms

– clean toys child regularly, especially after finding that sick children play with that toy

thanks for the information Pobpad

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