RSV vaccination for older people: now a statutory health insurance benefit

by times news cr

2024-10-01 21:43:10

An infection with RS viruses can result in severe symptoms in people at risk. The vaccination is now offered to them at the expense of statutory health insurance.

Statutory health insurance (GKV) will now cover the costs of a vaccination that protects seniors against the often underestimated respiratory syncytial virus (RSV). This was decided by the Federal Joint Committee (G-BA).

RSV causes respiratory diseases and can be life-threatening, especially in older people. The Standing Vaccination Commission (Stiko) of the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) therefore recommends vaccination to all adults aged 75 and over and people aged 60 and over with serious underlying illnesses. These include:

According to Stiko, people aged 60 and over who live in care facilities should also be vaccinated against RSV.

The good news: In contrast to the seasonal corona or flu vaccination, the RSV vaccination only has to be administered once. According to the Federal Center for Health Education (BZgA), the vaccination should take place in late summer or autumn, at the latest at the beginning of October. The RSV vaccination can even be given at the same time as the flu vaccination.

There are currently two vaccines available, both approved for people aged 60 and over: Abrysvo from Pfizer and Arexvy from GlaxoSmithKline. Both active ingredients have proven to be highly effective in studies. Your protection against a severe course is therefore around 95 percent.

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