RTV Maastricht – MUMC+: research into fatty liver with general practitioners

by time news

Researchers at Maastricht UMC+ are going to map fatty liver caused by an unhealthy lifestyle through a unique study in a number of general practices, including Dokters van Hier and Heer health center.

An unhealthy lifestyle can lead to fatty liver, a chronic liver disease that can lead to liver failure or even liver cancer. Fatty liver also contributes to the development and worsening of diabetes and cardiovascular disease.

Research leader Ger Koek: “More and more people with a Western lifestyle are dealing with fatty liver. The problem is getting bigger and bigger, but gets less attention than other lifestyle diseases, such as type 2 diabetes. It is therefore very important that we learn more about the origin and course of fatty liver”.

Koek and his colleagues ultimately want to study 1500 high-risk patients with conditions such as obesity, diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Various GPs help the researchers by approaching high-risk patients. They get an appointment with the researchers in their own general practice. In addition to a physical examination, blood is drawn and asked to complete various questionnaires. The fat content and elasticity of the liver is also measured with a so-called FibroScan. The patients therefore do not have to go to the hospital and receive direct insight into the degree of fatty liver. Ultimately, both the patient and the GP receive a letter with the results of all tests, including the blood test, including advice.

An App has recently been developed for patients with fatty liver to support lifestyle changes to achieve weight loss. This Happi Lever App, contains various parts such as information about fatty liver, calculation of the ideal weight, daily activities linked to eg the pedometer, how many calories are eaten and used per day. Smileys inform people how they are doing.

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