Ructions with Bullrich. Mauricio Macri lands as president of Pro to lead a possible agreement with Milei. The former president agrees on a unity list, although not without disagreements with the Minister of Security; the role to consolidate his role as “advisor” and the slamming of Larreta’s doorPoliticsBy Delfina Celichini

by times news cr

Pro’s identity bid will begin to be resolved this Tuesday, when Mauricio Macri assume the national presidency of the party. Despite some friction with Patricia Bullrich Due to the distribution of places within the space, the former presidentHe managed to rally most of the yellow leadership behind him and is committed to using this platform to pull the strings of politics. and strengthen his influence inside and outside the space he founded in the early 2000s.

The irruption of Javier Miley On the political scene, it disrupted Pro’s party profile and forced its leaders to reinvent themselves. With several attempts to approach La Libertad Avanza (LLA) under its belt, today the discussion within the party goes through how to approach reaching an agreement without losing relevance. While those close to Macri talk about converging electorally in 2025 with the guidance and contribution of technical profiles to the libertarian cabinet, Bullrich’s camp distrusts the former president and his ambitions.

“There are doubts about how much he wants to help the Government,” says a leader close to the Minister of Security about Macri’s intentions. They give as an example the discussion between the governor of Chubut, Ignacio Torresand Milei, about which Bullrich issued a statement of support for the Government, while the former president chose to reconcile the positions without making a public statement.

Patricia Bullrich during the tour of the Expoagro fairMarcelo Manera

The national official and current president of Pro seeks to deepen political ties with LLA and free herself from her party corset. In fact, she was one of the first to inject anabolics into the possible convergence and she even spoke of “a political coalition,” something that never materialized. With the imminent landing of the libertarians in the Casa Rosada, Bullrich took over his former boss and negotiated with the President a place in the Cabinet for her and her former presidential running mate, Luis Petri. The ice with the former president grew.

The distribution of places within the Pro structure is part of this discussion. Nobody wants to give up space so as not to grant carte blanche. Bullrich’s interlocutors are Paul Walter, Juan Pablo Arenaza y Damian Arabiawhile they represent Macri’s ideas Dario Nieto, Fernando DeAndreis y Humberto Schiavoni.

One of the options being considered is for the Minister of Security to retain ownership of the National Assembly. Meanwhile, the 1st vice presidency could be awarded to the mayor of Vicente López, Soledad Martinezas a gesture to Jorge Macri, who is one step away from becoming the starter of the game in the City. Arabia, for its part, would remain as 2nd vice president representing Bullrich. Beyond the certainty of Macri’s presidency, the rest of the places are still being negotiated. “Nothing is closed yet,” they say.

Javier Milei with Patricia Bullrich and Mauricio Macri after becoming President
Javier Milei with Patricia Bullrich and Mauricio Macri after becoming President

“We have to see if there are going to be actors who defend the party and at the same time its clarity, or if the party is going to be a bargaining chip with Milei,” summarized a leader close to Bullrich.

Macri’s interest in maintaining control of Pro has to do with his objective of not losing his political edge. Under his role as president of the party, he will be the one to dialogue with the libertarian small table to define the terms of a possible agreement. Her idea is to become a kind of consultant that influences the decisions of the Government without being on the front line of battle. “That you can get out of the situation and climb to a director status as [el expresidente español] Felipe Gonzalez“said one of its members.

Meanwhile, the former president failed to contain, under his leadership, Horacio Rodríguez Larretahis former Buenos Aires ally, who, faced with public disagreements and notorious ideological differences, preferred to step aside. “He is not going to be part of the leadership nor is he interested in naming anyone in his name”, summary about the former head of the City Government. Without leaving aside the hyperactivity that characterizes him, he creates a foundation or think tank political, provides advice to subnational governments and focuses on exploiting its main asset: management.

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