Rugby: the United States ready to spend 500 million dollars to organize the 2031 and 2033 World Cups

by time news

The United States is counting on a budget of around 500 million dollars (450 M EUR) to host the 2031 men’s and women’s 2033 Rugby World Cups, announced Thursday Jim Brown, president of the American bid committee.

“Expected spending for both events is estimated to be around half a billion dollars, plus or minus $100 million,” said Brown, chairman of the USA Rugby bid group, noting that talks are underway. course with 28 potential host cities and 31 stadiums.

Mr Brown added that the project is “supported at White House level” and that an official letter to the International Federation (World Rugby) “is expected to be sent by next week, showing a full commitment from the part of the government” which would take care of administrative and security matters.

The project presented by USA Rugby will be examined by the international body on May 12, but its general manager Alan Gilpin estimates that a 500 million dollar plan for the United States to host the Worlds 2031 and 2033 “is essential for the growth of rugby around the world.

“We’re not talking to anyone else about 2031 and 2033. But that doesn’t mean it’s a done deal,” he added during a press conference call Thursday, recalling that “the real hard work begins on May 13”. If rugby is a minor sport in the United States, the national team has already participated in eight of the nine World Cups, without ever passing the hens. It would be the first time that the American territory hosts the World Cup, male as female.

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