Ruling and opposition parties: “There is no control tower to counter deepfakes”

by times news cr

National Assembly Urgent Current Issues Questionnaire, Unanimous Voice
Ministry of Gender Equality and Family, Ministerial Vacancy for 6 Months

At the emergency Q&A session on deepfake sex crimes held at the National Assembly on the 4th, the ruling and opposition parties unanimously pointed out that “there is no control tower to respond to deepfakes.” The Ministry of Gender Equality and Family is the ministry in charge of deepfake sex crimes, but Vice Minister Shin Young-sook attended as the ministerial vacancy has continued for six months.

The plenary session of the National Assembly Women’s and Family Committee held that day was attended by officials from related organizations such as the Ministry of Gender Equality and Family, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Science and ICT, the Ministry of Justice, the Ministry of National Defense, the National Police Agency, and the Korea Communications Standards Commission. It was a meeting called to comprehensively examine the current status of deepfake sex crimes, the status of investigations, and countermeasures.

Democratic Party lawmaker Kim Nam-hee criticized Vice Minister Shin, saying, “The Ministry of Gender Equality and Family, which should be the control tower for digital sexual violence, is not taking the lead,” and “The Ministry of Gender Equality and Family lacks the authority to take practical restrictive measures, and there is no cooperation between agencies such as the Korea Communications Commission.”

Same party lawmaker Lee Yeon-hee claimed, “Last month on the 30th, the first vice minister of the Office for Government Policy Coordination presided over the meeting of government countermeasures. Is the first vice minister an expert on deepfake sexual violence against women?” and “The Ministry of Gender Equality and Family should preside over this meeting.” In response, Vice Minister Shin explained, “We thought it would be more efficient to do it at the Office for Government Policy Coordination in order to establish effective policies or responses,” and “I do not think that the function of the Ministry of Gender Equality and Family has declined because the minister’s position is vacant.” In response, lawmaker Lee said, “In order to establish measures against deepfake crimes, you should suggest to the president that he quickly appoint a minister of Gender Equality and Family.” The Blue House has announced its intention to abolish the Ministry of Gender Equality and Family.

The ruling party also pointed out the ‘absence of a control tower.’ In his questioning, People Power Party lawmaker Seo Beom-soo said, “There are stories like this because there is no Minister of Gender Equality and Family, so there is no control,” and “(Each agency) is on its own. The Ministry of Gender Equality and Family needs to take a stronger hold.”

Along with the claim that over 70% of deepfake sex crime suspects are teenagers, there have also been opinions that the age of juvenile delinquents should be lowered. Rep. Han Ji-ah of the People Power Party said, “The level of punishment completely differs depending on whether teenagers are juvenile delinquents or not,” and asked, “I urge the Ministry of Justice to actively discuss this.”

Reporter Kwon Gu-yong [email protected]

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2024-09-05 21:08:32

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