Russia and the United States agree to create arms control working groups

by time news

Russia and the United States agreed to create two working groups that will develop principles for arms control and strategic arms potential. This was announced by Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov following the talks on strategic stability in Geneva. In addition, the parties agreed that the bilateral START commission will begin work on October 5.

“We have agreed to create two working groups that will deal with specialized topics. At the beginning, we must continue the exchange of signals that constitute the content of the work being carried out at this stage. This can be done in a working order, ”Ryabkov said (quoted by RIA Novosti).

The deputy minister also noted that Russia and the United States have made “slow progress” in the field of cybersecurity, which “in itself is also good.”

The agency reports that the US State Department, following the talks in Geneva, said that the discussion was intense and substantive. The ministry also confirmed the agreement to create two interdepartmental groups for strategic stability.

Russian President Vladimir Putin and US President Joe Biden agreed on bilateral cooperation on arms control at talks in Geneva in June. The second face-to-face round of consultations between the two countries is now underway.


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