Russia Announces Start of Security Negotiations with US and NATO | Talks between Washington and Moscow will begin in January on the crisis in Ukraine

by time news

Russia confirms that January will begin the first talks with the United States and NATO regarding the security guarantees proposed by Moscow in relation to the crisis in Ukraine. Tensions escalated this week with the cut-off of the satellite transmission of the Russian channel RT in German, in turn, the government of Olaf Scholz was concerned about Putin’s promise to give a military and technical response if NATO does not stop its expansion. near Russian borders.

As reported by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Russia, Sergei Lavrov, “It was agreed that at the beginning of next year there will be bilateral contacts between Russian and US negotiators, in a first round”. In turn, the foreign minister indicated that the negotiators have already been chosen and accepted by both parties and reiterated President Vladimir Putin’s request to hold serious discussions and the warning to the parties not to bog down the negotiations. In this regard, the spokesman for the Russian presidency, Dmitri Peskov pointed out that while it is impossible to set specific deadlines, “the important thing is that it does not become a marathon of negotiations.”

For her part, the US undersecretary of state for Europe, Karen Donfried, warned that week that some requests from the Kremlin are unacceptable. Last week Moscow unveiled two draft agreements and treaties with the United States and NATO. They had been formally sent to each of the parties. In the documents, Russia asks to prevent Ukraine from joining NATO, commits and requests not to carry out military exercises above the brigade level, as well as the deployment of ground missiles that can reach the territory of the other party.

While, Germany cut off satellite broadcast of Russian television RT in German after concluding that it does not have legal authorization, according to the Berlin-Brandenburg Media Authority, the German regulator. This cut is in addition to Luxembourg’s refusal to give RT a broadcast license, as well as the suspension of that channel on YouTube. Russian Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock, stated his concern at Putin’s promise to provide a military and technical response if Western parties do not stop NATO expansion.


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